Labels: 7-eleven, big day, china, friday, guzheng, hu jintao, president, thirteenth
Labels: binkie, cinkie, dinkie, finkie, ginkie, hinkie, jinkie, kinkie, lame, linkie, minkie, ninkie, pinkie, qinkie, rinkie, sinkie, tinkie, vinkie, winkie, xinkie
Labels: cca, cheem, class tee, etsuko, fail, foster, guzheng, guzheng exam, heart, holidays, logo, maple story, pissed, sec 2, textbook, thick, unbelievable, unseen poetry, vandalising
Oh and today was a VERY sore day. First (I shall give up numbering), because of the Inter-Class Games where I played softball... And we (as in the ENTIRE class) totally flunked. Quote from Kellynn: "Since they have all these Inter-Class Games, why can't they have an Inter-Class Intellectual Game? We will totally trash them [other classes which trashed us for softball, soccer and handball] lar!" I TOTALLY AGREE!!!! >:D
And then there was also guzheng, and Joelle and Amanda made us play like siao. I mean, I don't blame them cos we were chao lan in the hall (damn embarrassing) and after that, we had to play so loud that we were near M3-01 (the Dell and FEDex trucks painting there, near the lift) and Amanda had to be able to hear all the way from the hall -.- And there was the kuai ban in Yi Zu. And some 害群之马 mainly at the back rows (I shan't stereotype :D) never bei pu yet, so they ended up 摸-ing the 线, so the rest of us have to play super loud D:
AND speaking of which I haven't memorised the two stupid songs for the dunno what China Dignitary's Welcome. I feel like backing out >:D Why didn't I tell lao shi that I would be away from the 10th November onwards?!?!?!
ARGH that stupid LA bookreading thingum. stupid House on Mango Street with totally random chapters about Hair and My Name and what not. Argh argh argh.
STUPID CIP!!!!!!!! STUPID GUZHENG EXAM!!!!!!!!!! STUPID LA (I think I've mentioned this)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUPID CAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: bookreading, cap, cip, family day outing, foa, fruit hunt, guzheng, guzheng exam, hair, inter class games, kick boxing, lame, random, self defence, sentosa, siao, skit, softball, sore
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