
fly like a cheese stick,

or fish fingers and custard.

#893 faded pictures on the wall
Friday 30 November 2012

Oh, the entire long list of movies that I want to watch.


#892 it's like the darkness is the light
Thursday 29 November 2012

I laughed so hard I can't even.

#891 your train of thought will be altered
Wednesday 28 November 2012

This is why I love Tumblr.

Anyway, due to our extensive road trips, I have (finally) managed to finish A Discovery of Witches, which is actually quite a brilliant book. (But then again I'm easily impressed.) I'm just jumping for the sequel right now (argh!) and wishing it wasn't a library book so I could read it over and over again.

#890 throw on your brake lights, we're in the city of wonder
Sunday 18 November 2012

Adding on to my list of favourite songs...

Besides The Bird and the Worm by The Used which I think I've already posted before.

This one has a very sleepy, very dreamy, very indie feel to it. Mostly the surreal part.

I really love this song. THE OPENING GIVES ME CHILLS. Yesterday I was perched on the bed, watching the MV, and I started to tear up at the thought of how this song is so closely related to soldiers and war.

The whole steampunk idea.

On to another topic. Currently in the lounge of Grand Hyatt and there is a group of four American women sitting diagonally opposite us. They are talking and one of them has been sharing her part and in one extremely long rambling sentence, she has said "like" more than 5 times in that typical American way of saying "like".

Okay I really shouldn't be saying anything because I'm guilty of it too.

#889 it's too close for comfort

Morning cycling around Central Park + afternoon walking around Macy's and H&M = tired me.


#888 a disease of the mind, it can control you
Saturday 17 November 2012

Whoever says that fairy tales are only for children is absolutely wrong.

The Disturbing Origins of 10 Famous Fairy Tales
by Emily Temple (reblogged from Flavorwire
Sleeping Beauty
In one of the very earliest versions of this classic story, published in 1634 by Giambattista Basile as Sun, Moon, and Talia, the princess does not prick her finger on a spindle, but rather gets a sliver of flax stuck under her fingernail. She falls down, apparently dead, but her father cannot face the idea of losing her, so he lays her body on a bed in one of his estates.
Later, a king out hunting in the woods finds her, and since he can’t wake her up, rapes her while she’s unconscious, then heads home to his own country. Some time after that, still unconscious, she gives birth to two children, and one of them accidentally sucks the splinter out of her finger, so she wakes up. The king who raped her is already married, but he burns his wife alive so he and Talia can be together. Don’t worry, the wife tries to kill and eat the babies first, so it’s all morally sound.
Little Red Riding Hood
If you can believe it, the Brothers Grimm actually made this story a lot nicer than it was when they got their hands on it. In Charles Perrault’s version, included in his 1697 collection Stories or Fairy Tales from Past Times: Tales of Mother Goose, there is no intrepid huntsman. Little Red simply strips naked, gets in bed, and then dies, eaten up by the big bad wolf, with no miraculous relief (in another version, she eats her own grandmother first, her flesh cooked up and her blood poured into a wine glass by our wolfish friend).
Instead, Perrault gives us a little rhyming verse reminding us that not all wolves are wild beasts — some seduce with gentleness, sneak into our beds, and get us there. The sexual undertones are not lost on us — after all, the contemporary French idiom for a girl having lost her virginity was elle avoit vû le loup — she has seen the wolf.
This story is pretty simple: a miller’s daughter is trapped and forced to spin straw into gold, on pain of death. A little man appears to her, and spins it for her, but says that he will take her child in payment unless she can guess his name. In the Grimm version, when the maiden finally figures out Rumpelstiltskin’s name, he reacts rather badly: ‘The Devil told you that! The Devil told you that!’ the little man yelled, and in his fury he stamped his right foot so hard that he drove it into the ground right up to his waist. Then he took hold of his left foot with both hands and tore himself in two.” Ick.
Here, Perrault is much nicer than Grimm — in his version, the two cruel stepsisters get married off to members of the royal court after Cinderella is properly married to the prince. In the Grimm story, not only do the stepsisters cut off parts of their feet in order to fit into the glass slippers (surprise, surprise, the blood pooling in their shoes gives them away), but at the end, they have their eyes pecked out by doves. Just for good measure.
Snow White
First of all, in the original 1812 Grimm version of this tale, the evil Queen is Snow White’s actual mother, not her stepmother. We don’t know, but that makes it a lot more terrifying to us. The Disney version also left out the fact that the Queen sends the huntsman out to bring back Snow White’s liver and lungs, which she then means to eat. And the fact that she’s actually not in a deep sleep when the prince finds her — she’s dead, and he’s carting off her dead body to play with when his servant trips, jostles the coffin, and dislodges the poison apple from SW’s throat.
Most notable, however, is the punishment the Grimms thought up for her. When the queen shows up at Snow White’s wedding, she’s forced to step into iron shoes that had been cooking in the fire, and then dances until she falls down dead.
Hansel and Gretel
The version of the story we know is already pretty gruesome — the evil stepmother abandons the children to die in the forest, they happen upon a cannibalistic witch’s cottage, she fattens them up to eat, they outwit and kill her and escape. The Grimm version is basically the same, but in an early French version, called The Lost Children, the witch is the Devil, and the Devil wants to bleed the children on a sawhorse. Of course, they pretend not to know how to get on, so the Devil has his wife (who tried to help the poor kids earlier in the story) show them. They promptly slit her throat, steal all the Devil’s money, and run off.
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair. Well, in the Grimm version, she does, a little too often, to a prince, and winds up pregnant, innocently remarking to her jailer witch that her clothes feel too tight.
The witch, not to have any competition, chops off Rapunzel’s hair and magically transports her far away, where she lives as a beggar with no money, no home, and after a few months, two hungry mouths to feed. As for the prince, the witch lures him up and then pushes him from the window. Some thorn bushes break his fall, but also poke out his eyes. For all this extra bloodshed, however, there’s still a happy ending.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
In this tale’s earliest known incarnation, there was no Goldilocks — only the three bears and a fox called Scrapefoot, who enters the three bears’ palace, sleeps in their beds and messes around with their salmon of knowledge. In the end, she either gets thrown out of the window or eaten, depending on who’s telling the tale. Interestingly, it has been suggested that the use of the word “vixen” to mean female fox is how we got to Goldilocks, by means of a crafty old woman in the intervening story incarnations.
The Little Mermaid
We all know the story of the little mermaid: she sells her voice for a pair of legs, flops around for a bit, then wins her prince’s heart, right? Well, not exactly. In Hans Christian Andersen’s original tale, she trades tongue for legs all right, but part of the deal is that every step will be nearly unbearable, like walking on sharp swords, and the day after the prince marries someone else, she’ll die and turn into sea foam.
Hoping to win the prince’s heart, she dances for him, even though it’s agony. He claps along, but eventually decides to marry another. The mermaid’s sisters sell their hair to bring her a dagger and urge her to kill the prince and let his blood drip onto her feet, which will then become fins again. She sneaks up on him, but can’t bring herself to do it. So she dies, and dissolves into foam. Later, Andersen changed the ending, so that the mermaid becomes a “daughter of the air” — if she does good deeds for 300 years, she can get a soul and go to heaven. Many scholars find this rubbish.
The Frog Prince
Traditionally the very first story in the Grimm Brothers’ collection, this story is simple enough: the princess kisses the frog, out of the goodness of her heart, and he turns into a prince. Or, if you’re reading the original version, the frog tricks the resentful princess into making a deal with him, follows her home, keeps pushing himself further and further onto her silken pillow, until finally she hurls him against the wall. Somehow, this action is rewarded by his transformation into a prince, but it’s not even the most violent. In other early versions, she has to cut off his head instead. That’s rather far off from the traditional kiss, don’t you think?

#887 it can creep up inside you and consume you

Greetings from the city that never sleeps.

  1. There are so many taxis here that the streets are yellow.
  2. There are tall buildings everywhere so police/ ambulance sirens turn out to be really echoey.
  3. One can get permanently deaf after a period of waiting for trains at the station. Seriously. They positively sound like ants screaming in pain as they get squished by a boot.
  4. New Yorkers jaywalk. A lot.
  5. Everyone thinks we want to ride a hop-on-hop-off bus.

#886 it's a thief in the night to come and grab you
Wednesday 14 November 2012

Obviously chiong clearing pictures in my phone -cough-

My collection of teddy bears!! I think there're still more in my cupboard heh.

STARBUCKS :D The Christmas specials are actually not bad~ The peppermint one tastes weird though. Way too minty.

My bed is abnormally colourful, I realise.

All the cards and letters which I had to squish into my tin of cards and letters which is now bursting.

This is as artistic as Milo can get.

Oh man I realise I wanna watch so many movies that are coming out this year end D: At least like four DDDDD:

#885 feels like I'm going insane

Picture post before leaving for America!

My page that is going into the Nanyang Big Book :D -inserts name subtly under combat boots- The handwriting was kinda screwed, though. Some spaces were sorta off D:

All the cards for my class! <3 all="all" d="d" look="look" now="now" p="p" pretty="pretty" re="re" separated="separated" sigh="sigh" so="so" they="they" together="together">
All the arty stuff I brought to school on the last day...

Kellynn's bear is boobalicious.

401's "Christmas stockings"! <3 adorned="adorned" all="all" and="and" board="board" boards.="boards." brown="brown" class.="class." class="class" colourful="colourful" decorations="decorations" down="down" drab="drab" from="from" i="i" jigsaw="jigsaw" love="love" my="my" notice="notice" p="p" painful.="painful." plain="plain" puzzles="puzzles" sigh.="sigh." so...="so..." swear="swear" tearing="tearing" the="the" to="to" walls="walls" was="was" with="with">

Nanyang issues bigass graduation certificates that is cool but unpractical because it cannot. Fit. Into. My. Portfolio.

All the cards and letters I got!

Nanyang has a girl band O:

Brown brown brown brown brown.

My skirt is über long. In order for it to be less than four fingers above my knee, I have to yank it up all the way to my bra .____. #whateven

This picture looks classically vintage in a classically vintage kind of way.

Beautiful evening spent in Starbucks while reading while people watching.

I hang(er)ed myself 00000: But look! It's a rainbow!!!!!

Aftermath of the Rainbow Hangers.

I just love taking pictures of the sunbeams :D

My simply spectacular toilet roll collection (30 in all). The ultimate definition of hoarder.

I have a cool, new and totally badass iPhone lock screen -waggles eyebrows-

And it's not because it says "I am locked".



It was kinda funny because the results were during our HCL Os, then the moment Os were over, everyone was spamming Twitter not because HCL was over but because Obama had won (Y)

This was a little weird because Romney had lost. Or maybe I'm just humouring myself.

Graces were so long ago oh man -doesn't want to think about JC life-

SUPERNATURALLLLLLLLL. Finished 4 seasons in how many days????? I even surprise myself. Now for a month-long Supernatural hiatus and I shall begin with Doctor Who in America :D

#884 all my life on my head, don't want to think about it

Presenting a dog breed (that I just heard of) that I instantly fell in love with.

The Utonagan: a breed of dog that resembles a wolf, but in fact is a mix of three breeds of domestic dog: Alaskan Malamute, German Shepherd, and Siberian Husky.

#883 no more gas in the rig, can't even get it started
Monday 12 November 2012

Blood spatter analyses have also always piqued my interest. From http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/02/st_bloodstains

How to Interpret Blood Spatters

1) Angular - If the victim was on the move, drops hit at an angle. The more oblique the impact, the longer the drop’s tail. The head points in the direction the person was traveling.

2) High Velocity - Misty, diffuse spatter is created by external force greater than 100 feet per second — which usually means a gunshot, an explosion, or (seriously) a sneeze.

3)Hair Impact - A traumatic impact between head and surface tends to leave a stain with feathered edges, like someone squished a loaded paintbrush against the wall.

4) Hair Swipe - If the smear fades out in one direction, the head was likely bloody before contact. The lightest edge of the swipe points in the direction the head was traveling.

5) Fabric Swipe - More fluid than hair swipes, these stains sometimes display the imprint of the bloodied clothing. T-shirt weaves are often the easiest patterns to decipher.

0: I think it's influence from Dexter?

#882 children waiting for the day they feel good

I found this really awesome post on Tumblr.

Socialism: You have 2 cows and you give one to your neighbor.
Communism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and gives you some milk.
Fascism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and sells you some milk.
Nazism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and shoots you.
Bureaucratism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both, shoots one, milks the other and throws the milk away.
Traditional Capitalism: You have 2 cows. You sell one and buy a bull. You herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.
An American Corporation: You have 2 cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyze why the cow dropped dead.
A French Corporation: You have 2 cows. You go on strike because you want three cows.
A Japanese Corporation: You have 2 cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create a clever cow cartoon image called Cowkimon and market them Worldwide.
An Italian Corporation: You have 2 cows, but you don't know where they are. You break for lunch.
A Swiss Corporation: You have 5000 cows. None of which belong to you. You charge others for storing them.
A Chinese Corporation: You have 2 cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim full employment, high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reported the numbers.
An Iraqi Corporation: Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that you have none. No one believes you and they bomb your arse. You still have no cows, but at least now you are part of a Democracy...
Counter Culture: 'Wow, dig it, like there's these 2 cows, man, grazing in the hemp field. You gotta have some of this milk!'
Surrealism: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.
Apathyologism: You have 2 cows. You do not care.
Fatalist: You have 2 doomed cows...
Atheism: You have 2 cows. There is no God.
A West-Country Corporation: You have 2 cows. That one on the left is kinda cute.
A Brazilian Corporation: You have 2 cows. You pay taxes for 6 cows. You have to sell one cow in order to pay the taxes. Your remaining cow gets sick and dies while waiting for availability in the public vet hospital.
PETA: You have two cows. You kill them both. You then use naked women to convince other people that killing cows is wrong.
Romney: You have 2 cows. You are not the president of the United States.
Old Spice: You have 2 cows. The cows are now diamonds. I'm on a horse.
Tumblr: You have 2 cows. You ship them together and make GIF posts screaming about how much you love your cows, but they should stop existing because they are so perfect.
Hipster: You have two aurochs. You kill one and fashion it into an original leather outfit. You take pictures of the other for instagram and use its milk for Starbucks coffee.
Cuilism: I give you a hamburger.

#881 when people run in circles it's a very, very mad world
Friday 9 November 2012

First picture post in ages! Seriously have so many old pictures in my phone urgh. Looking at them... it's as if they were from a different lifetime :/

 Made by Jolene. Can't believe it's already been ten years... (':


 The new Doodle Jump theme has a cool monster shield.

 Pretty Singapore-themed Starbucks cards! O: (I still like my Christmas '11 one)

Chronicles of the Sleeping Nicole Part I

 Chronicles of the Sleeping Nicole Part II

 Homemade mooncake from 韩老师!

 Really, really love this quote.

 My classmates and their idea of beheaded Snoopys during WWII -.-

Gummy 401!

 <3 p="p">

 Ode to the dead snail right outside our class.

 Disney clips from 林老师 :D (I got Stitch :DDDD)

 IH BLEARGH. Thank god I'm done with it.

Nightmare on Elm Street much.

 Fat asses.

 Looking back, sometimes I can't believe that I actually wrote all of that.

 All the fat asses lazing under the shade.

 This was eons ago.

Jodi Picoult! <3 :d=":d" love="love" p="p" picture="picture" this="this">
 During the LA paper.

 We had Pastamania for dinner one night!

 I was bored.

 My list of EPGY formulae that I wrote a year ago, which I'm still using (:

I'll never forget this huge and bulky orange textbook.


 Slowly inching our way towards the end...

 "All this talk of blood and slaying has put me off my tea."

 The TVD Season 4 photoshoot is breathtaking.

LOOK AT ALL THE COATS OMG. #coatporn #excuseme #spazzing

 Nightmare Before Christmas Threadless designs T.T The Disney villains ones are really awesome too.

 My house under renovation ._.

 This felt like an eternity ago.

 The way Cheesecake sleeps -.-

Beautifully gorgeous pictures of Scandinavia in the papers.

 I want to squish her cheeks.

 Hairy. Crab is hairy.

Like me.

 Pretty yam paste! 0:

 Just realised that Student X has a beard.

Was this lobster bisque hmm.

 I had lamb chops (or whatever you call them) for dinner!! -yummy-

 Poked it right into the elephant's face MUHAHAHAHA.

 I was so happy on this day :D

 I am not surprised.

Homemade salmon looked so delicious.

 (': 3 years of friendship, nearly (or over?) 200 letters exchanged... <3 p="p">
 Preparing to write farewell cards like two weeks early.

 Look where the hole is on the statue.

 Still my favourite rides in USS!


This show was original and awesome (:

 Tan Tan Don xD

 Ten Don. Tendon.

Just imagine this.

Waiter: What would you like to have?
Me: A bowl of Ten Don.
Waiter: Okay that's it?
Me: Can I have a plate of ligaments with that too? Oh, don't forget the cup of muscles.

 Pretty papers <3 p="p">
 Now for a short story!

There were once two curious terrapins. 

FREEDOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They screamed.

And they had an amazing adventure under the Plotted Plant in Balcony Land.

The end.

 Dinner at Jack's Place! (Thanks to Han Wei's amazing persuasive skills that only work on Mom and not Dad)

 Dad's food got stolen by seagulls in Sydney.

Cue flash of the seagulls going "MINE. MINE. MINE. MINE." in Finding Nemo.

A phrase I instantly fell in love with <3 div="div">

 Cookie from the African wild boar!

 Collecting results -gnaw gnaw gnaw-

 Three dead insects which I caught (while alive) and left them to die. Of hunger? Or suffocation? O:

 Dinner at a restaurant by Marina Bay.

 <3 p="p">
 Class outing at AWWA

Veggie pluckers.

 And now for a special video presentation, brought to you by Rachel Ng and yours truly!

 Hooty fries.


 My Camera Roll >:D

New favourite drink from Jollibean :D dark chocolate soy~~~

 Cool Lime tastes a little like Colgate, but it's not that bad!

 HOLA <3 p="p">
 Sabrina spilled the sparkly stars on the ground, which turned out to be really gorgeous <3 a="a" in="in" p="p" tumblr="tumblr" way.="way.">
Making class presents for the teachers! 

 I made a test tube rack with test tubes for Mrs Chew hoho :D

 Swesen's with the parents!

Spotlight has Union Jack candles O:


auditory hallucinations

19 year old who still thinks she's 15.
Drowning in fandoms.
Hates auto-flushes and drains.
Has a non-existent nose bridge.
Can't live without rulers and letter openers.
Likes the taste of blood.
Control freak.
Loves fantastical stuff.
Aresian and proud.

155 cm
158 cm
Toms Vans
Cotton On Threadless
Fandom Shit
Impossible Dreams

And a million other things.

the aid-kit

the hobbit holes

the warp core
40112 Belle Janice Kellynn Rachel Loh Shin Yee Wyin Ares Hui Ting Jolene Michelle Rachel Wu Shu Ting Xuan Li

the witch grimoire

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