
fly like a cheese stick,

or fish fingers and custard.

#746 when the world's crashing down
Wednesday 29 February 2012

This post shall be dedicated to the beauty of words (: Favourites are bolded.

  1. Toska (Russian): At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels, it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases, it may be the desire for somebody or something specific, nostalgia, love-sicknesses. At the lowest level, it grades into ennui, boredom.
  2. Saudade (Portuguese): The recollection of feelings, experiences, places or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, well-being, which now triggers the senses and makes one live again. It can be described as an emptiness, like someone or something should be there in a particular moment is missing, and the individual feels his absence.
  3. Retrouvailles (French): The happiness of meeting again after a long time.
  4. La douleur exquise (French): The heart-wrenching pain of wanting someone you can't have.
  5. Rapscallion: A mischievous person.
  6. Exsanguinate: To bleed to death.
  7. Penumbra: The shadow cast by the earth or moon over an area experiencing a partial eclipse.
  8. Pareidolia: A psychological phenomenon where one perceives a vague figure as being significant, such as seeing shapes in clouds.
  9. Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia: The scientific name for brain freeze.
  10. Boscaresque: A scenic woodland.
  11. Forelsket (Norwegian): The euphoria experienced when first falling in love.
  12. Agathokakological: Composed of both good and evil.
  13. Vegesimation: The act of killing every 20th person.
  14. Sweven: A vision seen in sleep, a dream.
  15. Misoneism: A hatred for change.
  16. Cow: A female dinosaur.
  17. Dactylion: The tip of the middle finger.
  18. Lexigraphy: The art of defining words.
  19. Kakorrhaphiophobia: The fear of failure.
  20. Nemophilist: One who loves the woods.
  21. Lygophilia: Love of darkness.
  22. Dacnomania: Obsession with killing.
  23. Kainotophobia: The fear of change.
  24. Gallionic: Careless or irresponsible.
  25. Hagiophobia: The fear of Santa Claus.
  26. Anglophilia: Love or fondness for England.
  27. Bardolatry: Excessive devotion to or worship of Shakespeare.
  28. L'appel du vide (French): The instinctive urge to jump from high places.
  29. Ya'aburnee (Arabic): A declaration of one's hope that they'll die before another person because of how difficult it would be to live without them.
  30. Psithurism: The sound of wind in trees or rustling leaves.
  31. Wanderlust: A strong desire to travel.

#744 upside down, and I can't stop it now
Friday 24 February 2012

Still trying to come up with logical explanations as to how I got into Biomed.

I think someone, for some reason, wrote my name instead of his/hers onto the answer paper.

Yes, that sounds more logical.

#743 I'm freaking out, so where am I now?
Wednesday 22 February 2012

They won their first Brit <3

#742 I'm underground, I fell down
Tuesday 21 February 2012

What do I want to be when I grow up?

I want to be happy. No more, no less.

What do I want to do with my life?

I want to draw my life away. I want to keep drawing, drawing every hour, every minute, and every second. Drawing whatever I feel, whatever I love, whatever I want... I want to come up with an entire panel of drawings that depict my life, from the saddest moments to the happiest ones. People have memoirs and autographies. I have the story of my life in drawings.

I want to come up with stories and write whatever I want. I want to create worlds where I can run away to and hide there forever and ever, worlds that I can pretend I live there, worlds that make me put the real one behind me shoulder forever, worlds that make the real one seem like the imaginary one, the nightmare. But most importantly, I want to create worlds filled with the things I love, so that I will never have to drown in my own sorrows ever again.

But then again, there's a reason why my best strength is self-deception, why I am a master builder of air castles.

#741 tripping out, spinning around
Monday 20 February 2012

I think with the passing of today, I've grown more certain about wanting to become a scriptwriter (: I don't wanna think about JC options, though... -sighs- And... surprise of all surprises possible... I got into Biomed Round 2... -dies- I was actually kinda hoping I wouldn't, so I wouldn't have to look at all my annoying Biomed stuffs again... And now another Saturday is gone. My weekends are being depleted at a scary rate.

Chem today was first period, and we did last year's practical which had been chucked into a corner and the poor guy was forgotten. Until now, that is.

During which I accidentally stained my worksheet with some forgotten solution, so I took the opportunity later and drew a lion.

Lit Pull Out!! :D Gosh seriously what has become of school when the only lessons I really look forward to are SIL, Assembly and Lit Pull Out... -sighs- Anyway, we did Mists of Avalon, and watched a little of the show, which I suspect that I have at home since the name sounds quite familiar.

Math was after lunch... And I kinda fell asleep towards the end :P Supposed to do Math homework now, but argh. Procrastinates gloriously. I really don't like Applications of Differentiation... -pulls hair out- Prepared to meet my Maker for BT1. Things like that are what make me convinced that I shouldn't take Math in JC.

Bio... I actually don't recall much from Bio :/ Just fooling around, or rather, Shi Ying fooling around with poor pathetic me towards the end. Because they were talking about some reflex reaction thingy, so everyone started poking each other, and Shi Ying's pokes turned to paedoing. And Mama was too busy sewing by herself :P


This is just proof of how easily I can be obsessed over stuff.

They've come so far... (':

I really love this part xD

And now I'm like obsessed over carrots!! :DD with Rachel and Wyin. Espcially Rachel :DD My fellow Louis the Tomo Tomlinson highmate :DDDDD

Now why does that remind me suspiciously of the poor pinata we tortured during Wyin's sweet 16th... -waggles eyebrows-

Oh Louis... Why am I not surprised...

Zayn: Mmmmmmmm....... oh yeeeeaaaahhhh.....
Liam: "pleeeeeeeeeeaaaseeee??"
Harry: Because I'm cool like that -nods head wisely-

Always see everyone pinching each other's cheeks :P

Now why does that sound familiar... -eyes suspiciously at deskmates-

There are no words for this.

Math. Now. Right.


#740 I'd rather rage than sit around and wait all day
Sunday 19 February 2012

This weekend has had me thinking about my ambition again.

First, there was Biomed. And the mugging and all for Biomed had me really reconsidering of whether I really wanted to take the medical path. I mean... Sure, get to do stuffs at hospitals and everything, but before that you've to learn (and probably memorise) all the very dry stuffs... Which I'm seriously not cut out for. Don't get me wrong, I love Bio, but maybe... maybe it's time I admitted that I'm not the kind to take Science as my lifelong career.

And then for the most of today, I went for the All In! festival thingy. Despite what the speakers all said about how freelancing has its nightmares and all... Well okay not saying I want to be a freelancer. I am not going to be a freelancer, it's too unstable. But yeah, the point is that... Sigh. I do love writing and being creative and coming up with stuff and all. So as of now but not very decided yet, my not-very-confirmed-ambition is to be a screenwriter or scriptwriter or whatever you call those guys. I think that's the cool part about writing scripts and stuff... you get to see what you created really come to life, and that's what makes it different from normal author work stuffs.


Oh, and during the Keynote Address, the guest speaker (Cherian George) said something really inspiring that went something like this:

"You know how you always read in the papers about super young kids at 12 or 13 going into University and all... This kind of news always pops up every 6 months or so... But the thing is, they're only specialising in a certain area. Have you ever seen a child enter university doing a degree for... let's say... English Literature? Or History? Geography? No! Because all of these take interpretation, and interpretation CAN'T. BE. RUSHED."


And during the last forum about how brick and mortar bookshops were dying and all... OMG 激动NESS. Especially when Tan Dan Feng said something like

"We just moved house, and I have this corner in my house really just filled with an entire shelf of books. My wife told me to throw some of them away, and that was the first time ever since we'd gotten married that I nearly lost my temper. I told her, 'No, you CAN'T! This is my most favourite corner in the house! Although I don't read these books very often, but all of them hold memories for me and every time I look at them, I get reminded of these memories."

I could have cried there and then.


1D is cooliossssssss :DDDDDDDDDDDDD Someone get me Up All Night for my birthday in 3 months -hints subtly-

Got about to doing Bio AS3.1, but didn't do some questions because either a) I couldn't find the answer in the godawfully difficult to understand online report, or b) I was too lazy to go and understand and find the answer.

But I had soooooooooooooooo much fun at the cartoon part!!

Till the extent that I drew 6 comics instead of 5 :DDDDDDDDDDD

And my favourite's the last two... xDDD

Monday blues setting in D: I already wish it's Friday.

#739 all my life I've been good, but now I'm thinking "what the hell?"
Saturday 18 February 2012

Maaaaaaaaaaaaajor picture post!! Most of which is of 1D :DDD eheh.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo............... Biomed was... okay, I guess. Still, I had a very fun time guessing my way through, and conveniently left 7 questions blank because they were seriously too cheem and I was kinda lazy to think through them :D And I've also noticed that ACJC is very 慷慨. I mean, just one competition like that, then they already gave us a shirt (albeit ugly), plus a real leather file-thingy from Balmain (Paris)!! :D Whatever brand that is. Plus their brunch reception was... awesome shiizzz. There was like fusili and two different types of sauce (wtp?!?!) and really super tender chicken wings and really awesome and fresh fried frish (like the kind you find in fish and chips), plus brocolli with the huge, really huge shitake mushrooms... -bliss-

As compared to the typical Nanyang bee hoon .______________________________.

Whatever man. This Biomed thingy is finally over :DD Tomorrow going for All In! :D And I've this feeling that I'll be all alone -sobs- because Sabrina forgot to sign up :P Ah wells.

Thursday's lunch was awesome shiizzzzzzzzzzzzz (hey I've a new catchphrase!! :D)

Because, as usual, I couldn't decide between oyako and dory, so I got both for $3!! :DD And it was.... -pure bliss- Like the oyako went perfectly well with the dory and it was the first time I was eating both together and I was like... Argh can't find that troll tears of joy gif -.-


No I didn't kill it.

I came home from school and saw its puny, prone figure basking on the parquet of my room.


401 <3

Welcome to the 401 sleep fest!! :D And Jing Ci was also sleeping, but she was in front of me and couldn't fit into the picture, so :/

And this week, it was "Poor Bonnie"! I mean, seriously, there was "Poor Stefan", "Poor Elena", "Poor Elijah" and et cetera. Getting a bit repetitive :P


A smoker's lung with severely damanged alveolar walls (top), as compared to a healthy person's lung (bottom).

In general, I have concluded that our lungs really look like spiderwebs from the inside. It's kinda creepy how normal everyone looks on the outside, but how on the inside, our organs are kinda gross.


Bigger picture. Louis and his suspenderssssssssssssssss.....................

And red pants as usual.

P6 Math question... To think I didn't know how to do it lol :P If my P6 self saw the Math questions I'm doing today... I think she'd suffer from hyperventilation.

And I noticed the shape of a hourse on the floor of my toilet (out of my fallen strands of hair) while I was peeing!! OOOOOOO: Not very obvious here :/

Maybe I should highlight it or something.

Han Wei and Dad bought Starbucks Mocha from 7-Eleven....... :DDDDD

My new lock screen!!! <3333333 So every time I unlock my phone now, I'll start fangirling :DD over 1D and my awesome Photoshop skills :D

Okay not that awesome, but good enough since -cough- it was more or less self-learned.

Oh! And the idea was from Biomed this morning :P cos I finished the paper already, then started doodling 1D beans on the cover of my question paper (except it was really doodles as compared to this one) but then they collected back all the papers so I'll never see them ever again DDD:

And Rachel told me that when the ACJC guy came by our row (consisting of Wyin, extra chair, Rachel, extra chair, then me), he saw my paper and laughed ._____________________.

Oh gee, thanks man. Thank god I didn't write my name on it.

Oh, but I also doodled an "以利亚" which is Elijah's name in Chinese, and a "j'ai faim" because I was seriously starving.

From a raw drawing on a regular A4-sized paper...

To being coloured in and brushed up on Photoshop...

To further embellishment using iPhone apps!! :DD (by Rachel)

Ahhhhhh....... I love digital art <3333333 It's seriously my dream to have one of those blogs on Tumblr that specialise in digital arts so I can keep drawing and keep colouring them in with Photoshop and keep posting them on Tumblr <33333333333

Tada!! :DDD

This is why I love drawing.

So went to Ah Yee's house early... Brought along my Bio text book and Homeo notes and mugged for quite some time while replaying What Makes You Beautiful and One Thing over and over and over again... :DDDDDDD

Then when I was done, went into the study and started watching the video diaries of when they were still in X-Factor. And they. Were. HILARIOUS. Especially Louis the Tomo Tomlinson.

Video Diary 3.

Harry's like "what the hell, Louis..."

So funny lol... Cos Louis's the oldest and Harry's the youngest but over here, Harry looks more serious :P

Video Diary 4.

Louis blindfolded himself (and later again in Video Diary 2 of the "later season") and pretended to be looking up at Zayn/Liam/Niall when he was actually asking Harry a question, or looking at Harry when he was actually asking Zayn/Liam/Niall a question -.-

And when he was reading the fan questions off the paper, he'd bring the paper all the way up to his blindfold xDDDDDDD

Video Diary 5.

This one was epic. As in Louis's entrance. Because when it first started, there were only four of them there, then Louis comes down from the top of stairs with the cover of a dust bin over his head.... -dies-

With the smiley face helpfully drawn on by Niall.

Video Diary 6.


Actually they all started with their hoodies all the way zipped up but one by one, they zipped it all back down... Except Louis who (not surprisingly) kept zipping his back up and down :PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

Video Diary 7.

Louis reading a book and he got very irritated whenever someone interrupted him... And when the others are answering questions, he'd randomly mutter some random line from the book.... o.o

Where's the book?!?!

It has been replaced with a moustache ._______.

Video Diary 8.


-pours tea-

And then he added this entire pile of salt into the tea?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (and later passed it on to Harry to drink)

doggie .__.

And then... he started pouring the salt into his beanie O-O

-pours as everyone else stares at him-

And then he wore the beanie on his head and lifted the beanie up... and yes. This is what happened XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


And then after that he whipped his head around so the salt went flying everywhere and poor unfortunate Harry who was sitting behind him went "EW!!!!!!!"

Video Diary 9.

In a geeky voice (which isn't difficult for him since his voice is already quite high :P) he explained that he was dressed as a geek because "the others told him that he needed to be more serious during their video diaries"... xD

-rolls around in laughter-

The irony of how the four younger this year 18/19 year old ones have to tell the oldest this year 21 year old one to be more serious xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

And then it was revealed that...

TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally unexpected!!!

I think the rest of them didn't know also xD

Ah, see my drawing of Louis's expression is so apt.



This was right at the end of the video diary and I was about to close it when suddenly... GOODNESS ME.

Video Diary 10.

I think this one was right after they left X-Factor D: And Louis (in the background on the cycling thingy) was yelling about how he wanted all of them to "be in their top form and exercise" xD

And then he proceeded to force poor Niall to the cycling thingy.

Energy drink!!!! (which is seen again later in Video Diary 4 of "Season 2" where Louis is obsessed with Kevin the pigeon)

Louis fake-crying -.-

AND after all of that, One Thing is still replaying again and again in my head, and sometimes it's What Makes You Beautiful :D

Oh, and I haven't mentioned it here, so I'll say it now: Mom's pregnant .________________.

auditory hallucinations

19 year old who still thinks she's 15.
Drowning in fandoms.
Hates auto-flushes and drains.
Has a non-existent nose bridge.
Can't live without rulers and letter openers.
Likes the taste of blood.
Control freak.
Loves fantastical stuff.
Aresian and proud.

155 cm
158 cm
Toms Vans
Cotton On Threadless
Fandom Shit
Impossible Dreams

And a million other things.

the aid-kit

the hobbit holes

the warp core
40112 Belle Janice Kellynn Rachel Loh Shin Yee Wyin Ares Hui Ting Jolene Michelle Rachel Wu Shu Ting Xuan Li

the witch grimoire

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