
fly like a cheese stick,

or fish fingers and custard.

Sunday 30 August 2009


If you see why the title of this blog post is so strange, it's actually a hidden message. It's an extremely easy hidden message :D

Can you guess what it is?

Title: !Pu!
Hidden Message: !uP!

Geddit?! :D Argh, nevermind. I sound stupid.

Yeah, anyways, today we finally watched Up!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I super like the cute good talking golden ret (: I think his name is Doug or something.


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Wednesday 26 August 2009


Emo? Maybe yeah.

I'm slacking.

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Sunday 23 August 2009


I've given up.

Yes, that's right. Because I suck. I know I suck more than that, and the word that should replace it begins with an f. I SUCK. I suck at everything. I suck at English, I suck at Math, I suck at Chinese, I suck at Physics, I suck at Biology, I suck at Chemistry, I suck at Geography, I suck at History, I suck at Dance, I suck at PE, I suck at French, I suck at Guzheng, I suck at Piano, everything.

Case Study #1: English
The compo Injustice. Patchwork 3. What other proof do I have? Huh? I practically failed, which is so not what I expected.

Case Study #2: Math
Simple Interest crap. Compound Interest crap. Hire Purchase crap. What the hell are those? I cant remember the formulae. Beautiful.

Case Study #3: Chinese
Please. What else do I have to say? B3 twice in a row? I can make the Nanyang record.

Case Study #4: Physics
I hate that. Its boring. And I dont get the conversion. Next.

Case Study #5: Biology
You know what, I've gone through my notes so many darn times, and I still don't get some stuff. Yes, I'm that stupid, I have the brain of a loris.

Case Study #6: Chemistry
I am so gonna fail it. For the 2nd quiz, I practically tikamed everything.

Case Study #7: Geography
There's a test on Land Resources on Thursday, and I can't remember a single thing about Land Resources. At all. Hold on. What are Land Resources?

Case Study #8: History
I forgot what are the 3Cs. And the definition of History. And everything.

Case Study #9: Dance
.... Words cant describe how chicken I look when I dance. Neither can drawings.

Case Study #10: PE
Puh-lease. 1/2 round around that stupid red band and I'm dead. No offense, if this offends anyone.

Case Study #11: French
Currently, I think I probably hate it. Because there's a test tomorrow, and I'm supposed to be mugging, but like I said: I have given up. Nothing goes the way I plan it to anymore. So why not just go there and fail that test? Won't make any difference anyway.

Case Study #12: Guzheng
I stopped at G3, and now I'm trying for G8. The last time I took the test, I was in P3. Brilliant. And did I mention I can't yao zhi properly? And do I look like I have the time to practice for the G8 tests?

Case Study #13: Piano
I've stopped, and Ive forgotten. All the examinations I took, I only received one Distinction, and that was G1, the superbly easiest. The rest, I got low-low Pass.

So you see, I might just as well give up now and lower my expectations to F9, so that when I get E8, I wont hang myself. Oh, how did I even enter NYGH, let alone 113 in the first place? I should have gone to some neighbourhood school where there's less competition.

If you've read everything I've complained about, you have no rights to think that I'm emo. But then, you do. But you can't complain that I'm emo because this is my blog and if I can't emo here, then where can I? Blogs are like journals, for you to write your feelings. And emo is a feeling. So if you call me an emo, do I look like a care?

PS. I'll fail my French tomorrow.

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Wednesday 19 August 2009


Yes! Finally! At last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I HAVE FINISHED MY MATH WRITTEN TASK 3!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I was intending to do it tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yays~! I can start studying French tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDD

Okay, so as of today, I have officially gotten back all my marks, and officially prooved that Kira is *** :D ***-ed for protection of human rights XP

EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok. Here goes.

LA:23/30 [A1] Expected: 17/30 (C5 :O)
IM:59/60 [A1] Expected: 55/60 (A1)
CLC: 74.5/110 [B3 :O] Expected: 77/110 (A2)
BIO: 35/40 [A1] Expected: 35/40 (A1)
GEO: 20/25 [A1] Expected: 18/25 (A2)
HIS: 21/25 [A1] Expected: 17/25 (A2)

Actually, for History, I think I'm getting 1 more mark. So, yar.

)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))): NO FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHINESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))):

Anyway, today Kira smiled at me :D I'm going crazy. Half happy half mad. Yes, I am. See, I'm even talking to myself :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

ugh. frigging chinese.

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#104--At Long Last...
Tuesday 18 August 2009


Heyos, Kira! :D

To all those clueless people out there, look to your left and scroll down to the "Listen Up Santa" column--you'll see something new being striked out there! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

TODAY IN HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sunday 16 August 2009


This post is NC16. Yes I know it's kinda ironic.

I hate this [this word has been censored for your own sanity] world. I hate the [this word has been censored for your own sanity] people who created [this word has been censored for your own sanity] computer virus which deleted my [this word has been censored for your own sanity] file (alliteration!:O) I hate the [this word has been censored for your own sanity] projects from school which we have to go to every [this word has been censored for your own sanity] day, because they take up my time. My [this word has been censored for your own sanity] free time.

Moral of the story: The world is cruel. Don't trust anyone.

#102--There Ought to be a Reason for This Right?


Dear God,

Why do you hate me? Why do you have to pile up all the unlucky stuff onto me?

First, you gave me stupid 听写, which I have to memorise, and I don't really have the time for that.

Next, you gave me French Controle 3, which is sadly, next Monday. And I'm certain I'm going to fail this time.

Third, you gave me f*cking Chemistry Separation of Mixtures Quiz, which is this Tuesday, and which is suck like hell at.

Fourth, you gave me a hell lot of projects.

Then, I received an elephant-sized package of Learning Lab homework from you. Thanks for the lovely gift.

After that, I received another beautiful present--more homework from f*cking Jiang.

And then, why do you have to delete my Math BRP file from my thumbdrive? Do you know how much I slogged my guts out for it?! What kind of justice is this?!

Dear God, I hope you'll receive this message, because down here on Earth (where from Heaven seems like Hell) a little girl who wishes to excel in one (yes, just one out of the many she f*cks at) subject is suffering when she did nothing wrong.

Friday 14 August 2009


Ok. This blog post will be

1. Very random
2. Very short

Ok. So. Hi. Bye. Sigh. Die. Cry. Tie. Buy. Mai. Lai. Kai. Tye.

Told you. Ultra random :D

So..... bye.

Wednesday 12 August 2009



Happy 100-posts old, my bloggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the longest time any of my past diaries have survived. Well, a blog counts because it's kinda like a diary :D

I think I have found a new thing I liked today :D Guess what it is!!!!! (hops up and down excitedly :P)


heeheeheehee!!!!!!!!!!! I was having so much fun stitching the pink thing to my soft toy rat's ear just now!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait. I think I'm going high liaos :D


I just remembered something that caused me to fall from the heights of the sky.

WHY DO I HAVE TO WRITE 800 WORDS ABOUT SOMETHING I DIDN'T DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 真倒霉!我是无辜的!冤枉!DDDDDDDDDDD:

800 words!!!!!!!!!

#99--Haha, I know this is cheating, but here are the pics :D
Friday 7 August 2009

#98--Eight Words


Eight words. Today is the happiest day of my life.

Eight words. They mean a lot.
Okay! Okay! It's one of the top ten best days of my life. To know what it is, we have to start all from the beginning.
Today's the National Day Celebration in NYGH. Right after Blocks. They're soooooooooo smart (ahem.. this is sarcastic o.O), they actually have to put it on the day right after Blocks, so we didn't really think about the mascot design or whatever. But back to the celebrations. So this morning, we had this Uniformed Group marching thingie, and singing of Marikita and the school song and the pledge and one national day parade song all during assembly. Imagine how swelteringly hot it was. Anyway, after that, we went back to class and did this NE Quiz thingie online on Etsuko's account as a class. But practically two thirds of the class forgot to bring their thermometers, so we lost a lot of brains in the process. Not literally of course. So the rest of us (see?! I'm so guai. I acutually brought my thermometer!) anyhow did the quiz together and we searched the Net for the answers too (heh heh) Oh, and Gwoshchokesbutt was anyhow giving answers. So was Mr T. Fastforward. When we finished with that, some of us did the impromptu (not really, but poorly planned) class mascot (YI XIN!!!!) and the others did the speech thingnummie.
Lets fastforward to the part in the Rooftop Hall. At first I thought it would be quite warm, with the entire Secondary 1 popualtion squished inside plus the NYSC peeps and the teachers. But not really. Oh! And Ms Yeoh was damn funny lors (check the photos!) So Yi Xin, our mascot, didn't win the mascot competition thingie. But who cares? We tried our best (: And that song Li Shuen composed all by herself was amazing and kinda cute :D And we sang a lot of national day songs at the roof top hall, and it was so noisy. And we forced Mr T and Wang Lao Shi to come to our class. Twice. Hahas. Oh! And there were lots of balloons around, and a white balloon got stuck behind a fan!!!!!!!! :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO We were like screaming, but eventually, it came down :P
YES!!!!! My favourite part!!! So after school, Yan Li, Cheryl, Shin Yee and I walked to the bus stop in front of Shell (7-Eleven--memories of Slurpie!) and boarded 170. It came just in time. But when the bus reached the bus stop in front of NYGH and NJC, there were like thousands of people coming in (okay, you get what I mean), and the bus was packed like sardines. It took an ultra long time (a thousand and one bus stops in total XP) to reach Newton MRT Station, but we eventually did. From there, we took an MRT to Outram Park, and to Harbourfront. Yes, we went to.....
VIVO CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so cool lors!!! And the first shop we entered was Candy Empire or something. I forgot the name -.- Anyway, I didn't really shop there 'cause I was on the phone with Mummy. And she let me take MRT home!!!!! But anyway, afterwards, Yan Li and I were dragged to the top level to that pool place. And the two of them (Shin Yee and Cheryl) were like bugging me to go (Yan Li said yes after a while). But I didn't :D I went to Daiso instead to walk around while they were splashing about unglamly (ahem, ahem. tsk-tsks the three unglam people :P) And when I was in Daiso, thinking over if I should buy this cute thingie or that cute thingie, Shin Yee called me and said they were going to change liaos. So I had to run all the way back under the hot sun. And when I arrived back at the bench where we dumped our bags, Cheryl plunked her wet hand on my back. Brilliant.
So after changing in a toilet (Cheryl took ages), Yan Li, Shin Yee and I gave up waiting for her and went first to buy tickets to 2:00 Up. But OMT, the queue in front of GV was like, not in front of GV at all! It was out of GV! When we were about to reach the counter (okay, not really about) Cheryl called us and said she couldn't find GV. She was at Singtel, and she suggested going to Bugis to watch the movie instead (our original plan was to go Bugis). So we said yes, and headed back to Singtel to meet her. But when we got there, she said she was at Burger King! And we didn't know where was Burger King! So after stonning in front of Singtel for a while, I called Cheryl, and she said she had already found GV! And then she asked, "You mean you're not in the cinema anymore arh?" It was so diaos lors. So we decided to meet at Food Republic, 'cause we were like practically starving.
At Food Republic, it was so darn crowded. But we found a seat :D Four seats, actually. No, two benches. Long benches. Okay, I had a Korean Beef BBQ, and when I arrived back at the table, Cheryl was sitting there, looking tired. Then she complained to me (I think), "You know I walked the entire second level of Vivo City!" Hahas. Shin Yee bought chicken wings for us to share, but I only ate one. We were supposed to eat two each. And Cheryl devoured two. Acutally, there were drumsticks too. Then lo and behold!!!!!!!
YAN LI ATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When she returned with her tray of quite a large bowl of noodles, I immediately took a picture of it (look up) so that I have proof :D After that, Cheryl also eventually bought Korean Chicken BBQ. And OMT, she ate so UNGLAMMLY!!!!! It was so funny lors!! Because Shin Yee and Yan Li and I were all done with our food liaos, so we were left with nothing but to stare at Cheryl eating. So unglam XXXXXXXXP No offense, but she was eating like a barbarian. And she said (later on) that she ate more unglammly at home. OMT. She actually splashed a little sauce on her white part of her top. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Too bad I didn't take a pic ): Yes, stop laughing Cheryl. After that, they bought fruit juice and I didn't. Cheryl and Yan Li shared a lime juice while Shin Yee had a strawberry juice. Yuk. Hahas.
Then I think we went to the arcade. We were like walking around while Cheryl was trying out some of the machines. I also played a little of this Street Basketball thingie, and got 4 balls in! Yays~! Hahas. Then we played this hit-hit thingie (I suddenly forgot the name) on the table twice. And Cheryl and I won twice! I think it was Cheryl. But I was defending (: Then Cheryl queued up for this dancing thingie, and it took really long. There were like 5 rounds, and she was forcing us to go up. Shin Yee and Yan Li did after a while, but I stayed put :D Anyway, just to let you know, after approximately ten seconds, both of them came down and Cheyrl did all the 5 rounds :D
After arcade, we took MRT to Bugis. We went to the ticketing booth to buy the tickets to Up, but apparently, Cheryl had seen the wrong timing. The only time we could make it there was like 2:50, and guess what?! I looked at my watch, at it said "2:51". So we didn't watch a movie. We went to take Neos, and guess who we met?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
ying tong, rebecca, fiona and ting ting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was the one who told the rest, "Hey, look at those feet-NYGH socks!" Because they were at the "adding-on" machine thingie, and only their legs were showing. Then Shin Yee went forward and opened the curtain. I didn't know why at that time. Then everyone started screaming when we realised who it was behind the curtains. I think Shin Yee recognised Ting Ting's bag. It was on the floor. Anyways, we took our Neos (so darn fun, and Cheryl took out her jeans :P) and drew on them. But we didn't draw on a few, and on one of the Neos, Yan Li had a very funny expression on her face. So, I, being naughty (heh hehs), draw lines (like you know, those around the sun) around her face. Hahas. I shan't say anything about Shin Yee on two of the Neos, because it's censored XP
We went to MYUK, and I bought this wallet for $29. It was chosen by Cheryl, actually. Hahas. Then we walked around, although our legs were like aching liaos. Cheryl bought badges, and Shin Yee bought earrings. We went to Starbucks and shared a drink. Yes, all of us shared an Ice Chocolate or something. It was so fun!!! And COOL!!! It was like, we stuck all four of our straws into the cup, and we made our own little markings. Like I bent my straw.
After Starbucks, we walked back to the basement, 'cause that's where Bugis MRT Station is. And Cheryl ran through the fountains, and she didn't get wet :P She ran under it, actually. Then we reached Bugis MRT, and we said bye-bye to Cheryl, and Yan Li and Shin Yee and I took the train that goes the opposite direction of the train Cheryl was taking. Yan Li alighted at the next stop, and I alighted at Outram Park, again. I said bye bye to Shin Yee, and took the North-East line back to Serangoon and walked back home.
So, we're back to square one.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love today!!!!!!!!! It's the first time I took MRT on my own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear, this is so not the last time I'm going shopping (obviously) :DDDDDDD

Thursday 6 August 2009


Yays~! All the frigging block tests are over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, actually not all, but you get what I mean. There's still S1 EOY, and S2 BT1, and S2 BT2, and S2 EOY, and..., and.... OMT!!!!!!!!!! We still have so many frigging block tests to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

Chinese and History were quite okay, actually. They were much better than my worst fears. Seriously. Amazingly, the ones that I will most definitely fail are English and Geography, which if you look close enough, are the direct opposites of Chinese and History :O And if you look closer, Chinese and History are the ones that I'm totally weak at and I will definitely get like B3 or something but now it looks like maybe I'll get higher, and English and Geography are the ones that I'm a little stronger at and I will definitely get like A2 or something but now it looks like maybe I'll get lower. Amazing, huh? The wonders of Murphy's Law... Mathematics was okay. I thought it was quite easy...until I got to the Number Sequence question. God, I died there. Well, okay, not literally, but you get what I mean, as usual. Yeah, I didn't die die, I actually managed to solve it in the end :DDDDDDDDDD, and there's a chance that I'll get it corect (: Just hope the teacher can accept my working >.< AMC was rubbish lors. For the last few questions I was like what the hell, so I anyhow tikam.

This morning, Ying Ying was asking me, "Do you know this guy called Alex Foo? He's in the same tuition as you." And I was like, "Huh? What talking you?" Then she told me that she met him on Facebook Chat because she thought he was her ex-classmate or something. I can't exactly remember. She also told me that he sat beside me in Jiang. Then I told her, "I know a guy with the sirname Foo, but not a guy called Alex." I mean, come on! Did you know that in my entire short life (or rather quite long compared to a mayfly's pathetic one day ._.) I have never known a guy called Alex?! But when she said "sit beside me in Jiang", I had my suspicions about *** (heh heh. not to spread talk and rumours or what crap althoug we are not in the same school-obviously-but we are good friends and so are our families). I think I remember him telling me that he liked the name "Alex". Then Ying Ying showed me his blog and guess who?! Yes, it was ***. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alex, I know your blog URL now. Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem, ahem. I'm so evil >:D

So just now, after AMC, we had this frigging boring briefing (hey! alliteration!) on Founders Day. They were teaching us to sing some song, which was totally boring cause the teacher was like going through the lyrics (as in the definitons), because everything was in CHINESE :O Then Ying Tong, who was beside me, found a piece of scrap paper and started folding origami. Boxes, to be exact. Well, actually only one box, but still... Yeah, so we were the lucky ones who got the seats in front of Mr T, so he told (or tapped. I cant remember) Ying Tong to stop folding and listen to the boring lecture. It seemed like a lecture.

After blah and blah and blah, Shin Yee and Yan Li and I went to the library to discuss tomorrow's class mascot thingnummie. We came up with all these crazy ideas in the totally empty library (freaky!) and kept switching to other topics (eg. Shin Yee kept moaning about her visking tubing question in bio :P) Sometime later, I learnt that Ying Tong and gang were going to BUGIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No fair!!!!!!!!!! I wan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then Yan Li told me that Cheryl was going with them today, and Cheryl was going with Yan Li somewhere tomorrow, and Saturday, and Sunday too. OMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 DAYS IN A ROW SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sobs~! [looks with pleading and pathetic eyes] Did you know that the last time I went with my friends to go shopping was like last year after PSLE?!?!?!?!?!?! No fair!!!!!!! I wan!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, after that, when Yan Li left and we were supposed to go to KAP McDonalds for lunch with Li Xin, we waited for Li Xin to call Shin Yee. But she never did! So we waited at the library. And that was when I came across this totally cool graphic novel about these lions in Baghdad or something. It was really cool and I was so absorbed in it I just couldn't pull myself away from it. That was until Jia Yun SMS-ed me and said CCA was cancelled ._. I was like OMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we gave up waiting for Li Xin and went to KAP McDonalds ourselves.

We took bus 170, I think. I had a Fillet-O-Fish set with fries and small coke. Shin Yee copied me :P Then we were discussing the BRP Project thingie, and then when we were done, I called Mummy and then Shin Yee went home first. Let's just say, Mummy took a long time to find KAP (: Heh heh. Yes, it was my fault [gives sheepish look]

Yeah okay, now we're back to square one.

Sobs..... I wan go shopping.........

auditory hallucinations

19 year old who still thinks she's 15.
Drowning in fandoms.
Hates auto-flushes and drains.
Has a non-existent nose bridge.
Can't live without rulers and letter openers.
Likes the taste of blood.
Control freak.
Loves fantastical stuff.
Aresian and proud.

155 cm
158 cm
Toms Vans
Cotton On Threadless
Fandom Shit
Impossible Dreams

And a million other things.

the aid-kit

the hobbit holes

the warp core
40112 Belle Janice Kellynn Rachel Loh Shin Yee Wyin Ares Hui Ting Jolene Michelle Rachel Wu Shu Ting Xuan Li

the witch grimoire

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