
fly like a cheese stick,

or fish fingers and custard.

#1155 it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again
Friday 29 November 2013

La chose la plus importante que j'ai apprise est que les cultures n'ont pas besoin d'être protégées par les bureaucrates et les forces de police, ou placées derrière des barreaux, ou isolées du reste du monde par des barrières douanières pour survivre et rester vigoureuses. Elles doivent vivre à l'aire libre, être exposées aux comparaisons constantes avec d'autres cultures qui les renouvellent et les enrichissent, leur permettant de se développer et de s'adapter au flot constat de la vie. La menace qui pèse sur Flaubert et Debussy ne vient pas des dinosaures de Jurassic Park mais de la bande de petits démagogues et chauvinistes qui parlent de la culture française comme s'il s'agissait d'une momie qui ne peut être retirée de sa chambre parce que l'exposition à l'air frais la ferait se désintégrer.
Mario Vargas Llosa, 2010 Nobel Prize for Literature

#1154 singing a song of angry men?
Thursday 28 November 2013

Found the most adorable things ever from here /screaming/

 My Little Pony Band of Brothers :DDDDD

omg winters omg nixon omg speirs omg doc roe omg renee (crying) omg webster omg malarkey omg blithe

And My Little Pony The Pacific :DDD

Omg they're so cute and some of them are dead on accurate


/bless my fangirl heart/

#1153 do you hear the people sing?
Wednesday 27 November 2013

Strange fascination with old war pictures o.0

Time flies D: Can't imagine what next year will do (or not) to my online activity.


Even though I smelled like a walking barbecue pit on the way home.


We were so fascinated with watching the bacon wriggle and shorten hurhur 

 "Share your horror story." "Hwa Chong."

 Hobo spotted outside E2-02. (Hobo with an iPhone 5)



It turned out more like slush though D:

I love this video :D

#1152 black - the color of despair
Sunday 24 November 2013

Still recovering from last night really early this morning.

It was just me in the dark, watching one of my favourite TV shows return, and trying not to scream at the television screen because I'd probably have woken up the rest of the street. Honestly I was just sitting there with my mouth wide open and trying to be legible on Twitter/ Whatsapp and flapping around like a seal.

And somehow, after so many years, David Tennant still manages to portray Ten's sadness (not the hair though ugh I don't like the new hair it's all flat). This Ten evidently knew about Rose (his subtle reaction to Bad Wolf was disturbingly painful), but knew nothing about "timey wimey" (his reaction to "timey wimey" when Eleven said it was painfully hilarious). This meant that this Ten was fresh out of the separation from Rose, but before he met Martha. And also, "I don't want to go". Our second time hearing this, but the first time Ten is saying this, in his proper timeline of events, that is.


On a side note, Tom Baker.

#1151 red - the color of desire
Saturday 23 November 2013

Happy 5th birthday, blog. Happy 50th birthday, Doctor Who.

#1150 black - my world if she's not there
Thursday 21 November 2013

Reason #3456789203458783291 to watch Band of Brothers: the scenery

#1149 red - I feel my soul on fire
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Time to slowly clear all the photos building up in my phone 000:

 This just seems so beautiful for some reason :/

 Tumblr has never been this accurate


I think they secretly put fairy dust in their milo. It's the best milo period.

 Bostonnnnnn D:

And that awful climb up Bunker Hill

Tête-à-Tête was fun (: We had this wafer thingy from a pair of Dutch brothers. It was awesome.

 MUTTON. At the Ambush in Plaza Singapura. One of the best muttons I've ever had :D

 Ménage à trois

 I really, really, REALLY love war photos, for some reason.

 8D #favouritetimemagazinehandsdown

All my blogs are becoming so old it's making me feel prehistoric

(like this one's going to turn 5 soon)


 The main reason I actually miss PW: the company )':

 I love the colours in this one it's like from dark blue fading to dirty-greenish-blue.

 One of the awesome parts of chemistry practicals :D

Only cool people drink Starbucks this way.


 So fortunate to be in this class (':



Loving the clouds

I'm on fire!

In other news, I need to do this some time. It's too freaking cool. I love the 3rd (the girl's expression #nailedit), 4th (the beer omg HAHA), 7th (the mom (': ), 8th (I literally burst out laughing when I saw this), 9th (THEIR EXPRESSIONS OMG), 24th (big baby), 32nd (you can even see how the house and trees in the background have changed) and 35th (the change in heigh difference HAHA).

And I actually know one of the perfect pictures to use nyaha. 

#1148 black - the night that ends at last
Sunday 17 November 2013

4 items crossed off my holiday to-do list.

I suppose that's a start.

So much more to go.

#1147 red - a world about to dawn
Thursday 14 November 2013

The last French lesson of the year (and with Mlle Fournier) was also the most epic one I have ever had.

This bizarre story started last night. I was trying to stalk Mlle's Facebook, but, as usual, I couldn't find it. Instead, I found M. Quenot's Facebook, and got really amused because he has all sorts of photos of his travels (even North Korea) and random, weird comments and captions. Then I realised that I really miss him and I got this weird feeling that he was going to be our teacher for next year. But I brushed it off because he'd already taught the H1 cohort this year and he'd probably be going back to secondary level French.

Fast forward to today. Before the lesson, some of us met up earlier to prepare the stuff for Mlle, and we were planning on how to distract her towards the end of the lesson so that we could sort of prep the room. The original idea was to ask her to go to the toilet, as weird and obvious as this sounds. I actually came up with a random idea to ask M. Quenot to drop by the classroom and pull Mlle out to "talk to her for 3-5 minutes" while we could set up the classroom".

I intended it as a joke. Guess what. They really did it. And it worked. More about that later.

So a few minutes before 5, we tried to go in as a group, while trying to block Darius who was holding the cake for Mlle. But when Ting Ting opened the door, she told us to wait outside first (surprise surprise) 0: Darius jokingly said that the lesson was going to be cancelled and we would spend 2h lepaking around instead. And then I got this weird feeling that it was some kind of April Fool's joke (more than 7 months late, nonetheless).

Finally, at 5 on the dot, Mlle let us in, and we successfully managed to hide Darius. When everyone settled, Mlle played the listening we were supposed to do.

At first, everyone was startled. Because the listening was a mess, and it was as if Mlle Fournier and Mlle Cassagne had recorded themselves wrongly. Then they started "arguing" (it wasn't so severe, but they were throwing remarks back and forth about whose fault it was) and then I got this weird feeling that something was absolutely wrong. That this was a prank. Then Mlle Cassagne went out of the classroom, saying she needed to check something, and my weird feeling intensified.

My thoughts at the time were like:
Okay they're really just acting this out and Mlle Cassagne is going to come back with some surprise farewell gift thing.

In the meantime, Mlle continued to play the listening and there was just one question after the garbled up mess.
Do you want to watch A) xxxxx, or B) xxxxx?

All of us were confused, because we thought that the garbled up mess was supposed to be the passage that we had somehow missed. So when Mlle asked us for our answers, nearly everyone raised their hands for B, because well, everyone else raised their hands for B.

Then Mlle Cassagne came back in with two DVDs in her hand, which were, the movies that were mentioned in the so-called listening. Mlle and Mlle Cassagne were having such a good laugh over the prank they had played on us, but I was like 0000: because I was actually right.

Weird feeling for April Fool's joke? Check. Weird feeling for surprise being hidden as a listening comprehension? Check.

When the show ended, it was time for our prank. Kay Yang texted M. Quenot, and soon after, we heard this knock on the door, and those of us who knew about the prank (a good majority of us), were trying hard not to smile.

Just some time before that, Mlle had announced that our teacher for next year would be... (drumroll please)

None other than M. Jean-Christophe Quenot himself.

Weird feeling about M. Quenot being our teacher for next year? Check.

By this point of time I was really freaking out.

Anyway, M. Quenot popped his head in and Mlle was like "ahah! We were just talking about you!" Then M. Quenot mercifully managed to pull her out after some time, saying that there was someone calling for her, I suppose.

When she was out, all of us sprang to our feet and started refurbishing the class (more like just pinning up one long string of deco and preparing the cake, really), and Mlle Cassagne had this confused look on her face for a few seconds, before she finally realised that we also had our own prank up our sleeves.

Then Mlle came in, and she was genuinely surprised. It turned out that M. Quenot had told her that someone with a fake number had called her.

So had the cake and everything, took a million pictures, said a million thanks. M. Quenot even stayed to have some cake, take some pictures, and joke around with Mlle (omg they are damn cute together too bad they aren't a couple), in that MOELC shirt of his with cartoons that he had drawn.

It was a really bizarre "lesson". Firstly with all my hunches. Secondly how we had pulled pranks on one another, and also that the movie we watched happened to be about pranks. Thirdly with us inviting M. Quenot as part of our prank, only to learn that he would also be our teacher for next year.

It was just really strange.

#1146 black - the dark of ages past
Monday 11 November 2013

Sometimes I just feel like throwing everything behind me and running away, you know?

#1145 red - the blood of angry men
Sunday 10 November 2013

There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the chute,
Intestines were a-dangling from his paratroopers suit,
He was a mess, they picked him up, and poured him from his boots,
He ain't gonna jump no more.

Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,
He ain't gonna jump no more!

I used to think The Pacific was heart-wrenching enough, but back then I hadn't seen Band of Brothers. Currently in an urgent need for a HBO War Series-Steven Spielberg-Tom Hanks-Hans Zimmer mini series on World War I.

#1144 tomorrow we'll discover what our God in Heaven has in store!

iPhone name - gipsy danger
iPad name - striker eureka
MacBook name - coyote tango

If anyone needs me, I'm busy cancelling the apocalypse. Please call back later.

#1143 there's a new world to be won



#1142 there's a new world for the winning

Obsessively wiping striker eureka every time I use it because seriously one does not simply stand fingerprints on a screen.

(I should totally name my laptop "coyote tango")

#1141 every man will be a king
Friday 8 November 2013

According to Jinni, my tastes in shows are:

Master Villain Superhero
Exciting or stylised stories about superheroes, master villains, or good versus evil. Visually, titles special effects. Find a perfect pick for boys' night. Many are fast paced.

Special Effects Stylised Vampire
Stylised or exciting stories about vampires, saving the world, or impossible love. Visually, titles special effects. Find a perfect pick for teens.

Animation Feel Good Imaginary Kingdom
Feel good or humorous stories about imaginary kingdoms, following your dreams, or saving the day. Find a perfect pick for family outing.

Disturbingly Bleak
Bleak, disturbing, or captivating stories about violence sprees or soldiers.

Well gee thanks I sound like someone with a personality disorder.

#1140 raise the flag of freedom high!

I need it to be last Saturday night again, so that I can relive this entire week again and again and again and again.

Even if it means going through OP ten million times, I'll take it without hesitation.

#1139 one day to a new beginning

I really love Tumblr

scientists tell us that all water
is old water
that there is no room for originality,
that everything is recycled.

the anguish of Achilles bleeding out
face-down in the Trojan dirt
mingles with that of a stockbroker caught
in the ebb and flow of the markets,

and what I am trying to say is that the tears
navigating south through the canyons on your face
may have once wet the cheeks
of Alexander the Great
for the same reason.

#1138 they will wet themselves with blood!
Sunday 3 November 2013

I don't know what I want to be and I am so damn scared.

#1137 one more day to revolution
Saturday 2 November 2013



#1136 the time is now, the day is here!
Friday 1 November 2013

The anniversary of Doctor Who is also the anniversary of my blog.

This is very fated.

In other news: Halloween Horror Nights tomorrow. End of PW (at long last) on Tuesday. Potential dinner + midnight movie on Tuesday. Class BBQ and chalet on Thursday and Friday. (all interspersed with moodkill French lessons)

Here's to an activity-packed week ahead.

auditory hallucinations

19 year old who still thinks she's 15.
Drowning in fandoms.
Hates auto-flushes and drains.
Has a non-existent nose bridge.
Can't live without rulers and letter openers.
Likes the taste of blood.
Control freak.
Loves fantastical stuff.
Aresian and proud.

155 cm
158 cm
Toms Vans
Cotton On Threadless
Fandom Shit
Impossible Dreams

And a million other things.

the aid-kit

the hobbit holes

the warp core
40112 Belle Janice Kellynn Rachel Loh Shin Yee Wyin Ares Hui Ting Jolene Michelle Rachel Wu Shu Ting Xuan Li

the witch grimoire

November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
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July 2012
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October 2012
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December 2012
January 2013
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the shatterdome

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