
fly like a cheese stick,

or fish fingers and custard.

#1456 jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash
Saturday 27 June 2015

in a love-hate relationship with my monolids sigh (more hate than love, really)

#1455 but everybody's like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece
Friday 26 June 2015

I find it weird how when someone mentions "traditional Chinese clothing", most of us will automatically think of the qipao. Or how the go-to traditional outfit for Chinese New Year is the qipao. I mean, Singapore's weather is atrocious and all, but wouldn't it be awesome to see people going around in these during Chinese New Year:




Maybe one of these Chinese New Years I'm gonna do this. Because if you want the true "traditional Chinese clothing" (and considering most Chinese associate with the Han race), you shouldn't stop at the Qing Dynasty. I mean it makes sense right if most of us are Han Chinese, then shouldn't traditional Chinese clothing = 汉服

Of course it does help that hanfus are baggier than qipaos so the fats show less.

#1454 we don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams

So I did a thing because I have a tendency of getting hopelessly lost:

God, I'm a joke. Foresee myself taking A1 and A2 really often hope that's reflective of my future grades hurhur.

Anyway. 7 월 8 일, 너무 신나요ㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗ!!!!!!! /jUMPING/

#1453 blood stains, ball gowns, trashing' the hotel room
Thursday 25 June 2015

Found an article depicting 14 types of Asian eyes so I naturally tried to figure out what mine is by scrolling through past pictures to compare. When that didn't work, I tried inspecting my reflection in the mirror or taking selfies.

Not only did I manage to find out that my eyes most closely resemble the very flatteringly termed "Puffy Eyes", I also realised that my face is painfully, obviously asymmetrical and fat, and that I am fucking ugly. Lol why do I even try.

In other news:

I don't remember the last time I was this excited over something

#1452 but every song's like gold teeth, grey goose, trippin' in the bathroom
Tuesday 23 June 2015

While so many people around me are actively voicing out against the Yulin Festival, this article perfectly sums up why I am so hesitant to do so.

Is it OK to eat dogs?

Or maybe it's just the misanthrope in me being especially critical.

#1451 and I'm not proud of my address, in a torn-up town, not postcode envy
Sunday 21 June 2015


#1450 I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies
Tuesday 16 June 2015

On the event
The list of things I don't regret doing is pretty short. On the top of it, for quite some time now, is participating in the exchange programme to Bordeaux in 2011. Another is taking French instead of Economics in Junior College. And then there's one that I've recently added: volunteering for Pink Dot this year.

I mainly helped out at the Admin Tent. Nothing too strenuous. We took care of the other volunteers' belongings and answered questions some participants had. The most common question turned out to be "Where are the plushies being sold?" instead of the anticipated "Where are the toilets?".

It was a pretty chill job as compared to what other volunteers had to do: fix pink torches for the entire event (I'd fixed 55 in one hour the night before, and that was bad enough to make my fingers feel vaguely numb after that), sell merchandise at Pink Street which was a considerable distance away from the main event, etc. We got to sit around, we had our own snacks, we had a water dispenser at the tent next to ours.

When I wasn't on shift, I walked around, hopping from tent to tent, collecting freebies (not a lot). Someone thrust a huge pink "LEGALIZE GAY MARRIAGE" sticker into my hands when I was at the area just outside the entrance to Clarke Quay MRT. I met Humphrey and said hi. I put my name on the mailing list of the Humanist Society of Singapore, because I realised that there was actually a legitimate term for the set of beliefs I've developed for myself. I ate free popcorn and bought a cup of pink guava and fell in love with it.

Since the main area of Hong Lim Park was packed, it was difficult to squeeze into the crowd, especially when speeches were being given, so they had set up a projector in front of the Admin Tent, broadcasting what was going on.

I caught snippets of speeches, the most memorable ones being from Becca D'Bus. What the ambassadors said were pretty touching too, but at that time, I was too busy finding my place in the letter "L" to really pay attention, so I'm just waiting for them to upload the full transcripts.

(I watched this when I was on break during work yesterday, and Patricia Mok's speech made me tear up. Thank god I was alone in the back of house.)

Right before the finale, we sang the national anthem.

#PinkDotSG 2015: Majulah Singapura!#PinkDotSG 2015: Majulah Singapura!Special Thanks to Vocaluptuous!
Posted by Pink Dot SG on Tuesday, 16 June 2015

After nearly 19 years of singing it, I've never felt prouder than I was at that moment, and that's saying something.

On witty articles
Call me biased.

Article 1: http://newnation.sg/2015/06/god-i-couldnt-smite-pink-dot-with-rain-as-one-of-those-who-prayed-for-foul-weather-had-child-out-of-wedlock/

Article 2: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/comment-the-hypocrisy-of-the-wear-white-campaign-091332927.html

"This vocal conservative group are incensed by what they see as a threat to the 'Natural Family' posed by the LGBT equality movement. More than adultery, more than domestic violence and problem gambling, it is for some reason LGBT rights - or, as a commenter on a previous blog post put it, 'Gayism' - that threatens heterosexual family units and the fabric of society."

"Wear White and WAAPD are up in arms over foreign interference because the US embassy congratulated Pink Dot on Facebook, and because some pink-clad white people were spotted in Hong Lim Park on Saturday. They say that these foreign elements (because, obviously, there is no such thing as a white Singaporean or Permanent Resident) should butt out of 'domestic affairs' - what Singapore does within our borders is none of their concern."

"They, unfortunately, appear unable to take their own advice: LGBT people have for years been trying to tell conservatives to butt out of their domestic affairs, because what two consenting adults do within the four walls of their bedroom is none of their concern."

"According to Khong and his followers, the rights of the heterosexual family unit *include* oppressions against others, even though the existence of these oppressions have zero impact on the lives of heterosexuals. The government, for all its insistence on compromise and balance, appears to agree. After all, it is more than willing to erase LGBT stories and experiences from the media, even while it professes neutrality in the debate."

Post 1:

Post 2: https://www.facebook.com/alfiansaat/posts/10152819634047371

"For some straight people, it's a chance to re-examine stereotypical images of LGBT's: for every flamboyant, bewigged, sequin-encrusted Ivan Heng there is an awkward, skinny boy in braces handing out free cupcakes, with the secret hope that one of them might be a cupid's arrow. For every tattooed Amazonian dyke with a you-are-not-worthy resting face, there is a shy, plump girl who's so nervous about being found out by her parents that she's donned a T-shirt whose pink is so subtle it's almost white."

On the letter (which was removed from Facebook as it had been reported for being "abusive or marked as spam")


"They play the victim card in order to win public sympathy and support."

From the way LGBT people are being treated - the discrimination, the rejection, the fear, the declaration of their moral values as "skewed" and "sinful" - are they not victims?

"We cannot just sit idly by and keep silent while Pink Dot 'vandalises' Singapore with their propaganda."

One is about love, acceptance, uniqueness, and equality, while the other is about spite, rejection, conformation, and discrimination. Tell me - which one is propaganda?

"As Salt and Light, we the Church has a major role to play in defending the moral future of Singapore."

Firstly, this assumes that Singapore is a Christian country, which it is not. Singapore is very much secular. And this is why I absolutely hate it when religion is dragged into a debate about ethics, especially when it concerns large groups of people. It feels as if the people who argue under such a basis is trying to convert everyone to the same religion - his.

Secondly, this assumes that heterosexuality is morally right and everything else is morally wrong. Which, is so silly and archaic a concept that I can only laugh.

"On our watch, we must not allow any activist or gay-affirming group or MNC or foreign country to interfere with our national interests, defy our shared values and push their permissive credo on our conservative society."

Section 377A of the Penal Code is actually a remnant of the laws that the British imposed on Singapore back in the colonial days. Ironically, this actually means that the whole "anti-LGBT" stance can also be seen as one that is "Western". Speaking of which, haters argue that as a conservative Asian society, Singapore should not adopt such "Western" values of being more accepting to LGBT individuals. To that I say: democracy is Western. Perhaps we should go back to being a monarchy (some say we already are), since being a democratic country is "Western" and therefore completely repulsive.

Jokes aside, in this day and age, labelling certain values as "Western" and "Asian" and anything else in between is, in itself, a quandary. With the flow of products, people, and ideas, how can something or someone truly belong to one country or region? By closing ourselves off to foreign tides, we only serve to dig our own graves, and that wall we have built around ourselves will eventually be knocked down. History has demonstrated this again and again.

Of course, there's also the issue of love between those who aren't heterosexuals as being one of our "national interests". Please refer to the section above. Ditto to the part about "shared values". The use of words like "our national interests", "our shared values", and "our conservative society" seem to paint the picture that it's a war between Singaporeans and the evil foreigners. Unfortunately, not all Singaporeans share this same idea of what our national interests and shared values should be.

"So, I would like to call the Christian community in Singapore to Wear White on Saturday, June 13th and Sunday, June 14th - to make a stand together for the Natural Family, a core value of Singapore's conservative majority, a great legacy of the Pioneer Generation."

Please don't drag the Pioneer Generation into this. Please. Don't.

Speaking of which, if haters are really keen on doing so, I'd like to kindly point out that the "Natural" Family of Homo sapiens, if we really take the definition of "Natural" seriously, is something like those of the other big apes': the strongest male with a harem of females and a whole brood of kids. Of course, it doesn't help that a practice that was rather common during the time of the Pioneer Generation and before was for men to have many wives. But of course, this sits perfectly with the picture of the "Natural Family", a "legacy of the Pioneer Generation", of being that of a man and a woman with their kids.

I don't even want to bring up the part about how such a skewed idea demonises single parent families and divorced families that may have nothing to do with the LGBT community.

"Our highest priority should therefore be to awaken the silent majority - the pro-Family conservatives. We must pay attention to this group, strengthen and empower them. We must embolden them to speak out uncompromisingly and fearlessly everywhere - on social media, in the boardrooms, classrooms, and at every opportunity. We must encourage them to stand up and stand tall."

Pink Dot got "slammed" for using emotive rhetoric, but look what we have here. Besides, this is an example of a false dichotomy (hello, AQ skills!). It paints the picture of us and them, that there are only two sides we have to choose between.

"Our concerted response is necessary for the sake of our families, our children and future generations. We are being true to God who instituted Marriage and Family. We are being true to our conscience. We are doing this in the interest of our nation. We are seeking her shalom and welfare."

Singapore. Is. Secular.

On humanism
I find it difficult to have a truly personal opinion for many matters and debates. But the few quandaries for which I have strong beliefs in are mostly, if not all, ethical: euthanasia, abortion, and LGBT issues. And for all of them, my stance is this: mind your own business.

As long as it doesn't harm other people, every person should have the right to decide what to do with his or her own life. Haters may argue that legalising euthanasia and abortion, and the acceptance of non-heterosexual behaviours are harmful to society and should, therefore, be banned. I say, however, that this isn't like murder which should be banned because it explicitly harms other people. These arguments are based on predictions, which are very slippery slopes. Every JC student that has gone through GP and proper AQ practice will know that such an argument is hardly one: it can be easily shot down.

Some feel that homosexuality is a choice and is not natural. But who are we to define what is natural and what is a choice? Do we actually know it as a fact? There have been instances where homosexuality has been reported in animals. Haters may use this as an argument to say that homosexuality is all the more sinful, since a few animals may do it, and should be outlawed. But of course, here's a list of other things animals also do: sleep, procreate, eat, poop, breathe. Based on this "argument", the above five behaviours are sinful and us holier-than-thou humans should not partake in them. Anyway, back to the point. What is natural and what is choice?

Just as how volunteering for a short while at IMH makes me feel insulted when someone uses the word "retarded" flippantly, I feel equally disturbed when someone labels something as "gay". The original meaning of "gay", is of course, happy. But by labelling something as "gay", one assumes that gay people are completely different from us, that they can be identified the second you see them. In reality, this is, obviously, a falsehood. The word you are looking for is "flamboyant". Just as heterosexuals have different personalities and different appearances, so do homosexuals. And you don't see anyone calling something "straight", and with a negative connotation at that.

When I see people supporting the Wear White campaign, or slamming Pink Dot or just LGBT behaviours in general, a small part of me feels disgusted. But mostly, I feel sad. I don't understand how some people can have so much room in their hearts for hatred, to discriminate and not accept other people for being different, to have this intrinsic need to paint everyone with the same coloured brush as they paint themselves.

Not just in Singapore but globally (or most of it, at least), we're learning how to accept racial and religious diversity. We're still learning, over the years, but at least it's better than what our ancestors experienced. Perhaps, one day, we'll come to accept the fact that one's sexual orientation, just like one's race or religion or ethnicity, is just another difference between us, something that adds to our diversity.

#1449 I've never seen a diamond in the flesh
Friday 12 June 2015

Chuno (The Slave Hunters) - a highly acclaimed show (tbh I found the plot mehish and a bit draggy at times, but it did have its moments eg. previous post) with an awesome soundtrack.

Halfway through, however (or probably less than that), I realised that it was one of those shows where everyone (or at least almost) dies.

Case in point (only for the characters with images on asianwiki, so you can't imagine the number of calefares/ nameless characters who died as well):

#1448 like a bird without a cage but down to earth

One of the best scenes, hands down

Can't go wrong with an MC Sniper song

#1447 are you ready for, ready for, a perfect storm, perfect storm
Thursday 11 June 2015

"If you talk to American people, they smell like freedom." (Y)

#1446 cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse
Wednesday 10 June 2015

 I concur.

 I bet so many people by Jap snacks because of the cute packaging I mean seriously look at that (but the biscuit wafers up there were good though)

Taking on the monster! (I seem to be taking a longer time with my current French book though cough cough)

 Back in NY! Much feels. All them young people in white. Probably taller than me. But still.


"Qui pereunt, non vagari"

 It's a yellow breakfast

 Crafting! With lacquered roses, used Starbucks glass bottles, barley beans, green beans, red beans, and used chemistry lab test tubes (finally figured out how to put them to good use)



 The ascending height wasn't intentional

 Me and... Logan?

 Don't you love it when you can just chill at Starbucks with a book for leisure instead of mugging (reminder than I only have 2+ months of this beautiful slack life oh craaaaaaappp)

Store outing at Cathay! Our dinner at 18 Chefs. This dish is bloody good omg I need to eat it again soon. Baked pasta + beef + creamy mango sauce, not to forget the signature ice lemon tea

 Home cooked! Much yums, if not for the spring onions + onion/ garlic bits permeating every strand of spaghetti + calories

 Sometimes I have zero fashion sense

 Tumblr worthy, no?

 I finally stickerified my laptop hope I don't regret this aha

The night all the electricity in the first floor died so we had to eat dinner like that

 Viney season things!

 Me and Lindsey!

 Such a tiny qt


Meet up with Jam, Chang, and Wu at Koh Grill & Sushi Bar it was so good

#1445 so you wanna play with magic
Thursday 4 June 2015

#1444 celebrate the night, it's the fall before the climb

jealousy is
realising everyone already
has solid plans while all you have are
just maybes

jealousy is
the proud courage in everyone else
while you even find looking into
the camera lens difficult

jealousy is
when everyone has chanced upon their
niche spot while you just can't find one for

jealousy is
finding out you have wasted nineteen
long years and knowing you will never
be getting them back

#1443 let's rage
Tuesday 2 June 2015

who am i?

#1442 when I am ten feet tall, I've never felt much smaller, since the fall

As the sound of drums calls for my life,
I turn my heard where the sun is about to set.
There is no inn on the way to the underworld.
At whose house shall I sleep tonight?
~ 成三問, 성삼문, Seong Sam Moon

Such a great soundtrack, maybe even on par with Gu Family Book o:

Anyway, this show really made me question how we depict history today. In the wiki page for Sejo of Joseon, he was put in a more positive light as prior to his usurpation of the throne, Kim Jong Seo and his faction took advantage of the young king Danjong to reduce the power of the royal family, which somewhat echoes what would later happen with the Andong Kim clan in the 19th century.

Yet in this show, Suyang/ Sejo was cast as the antagonist, and Kim Jong Seo as the righteous minister who wanted to preserve Danjong's monarchy, with no mention of him "extending the power of court officials against many royal family members" at all.

I suppose therein lies the fact that history is just made up of grey areas, where parties of power struggles can't be labelled as definitely good or definitely bad.

#1441 I am a man of many hats although I never mastered anything

What happens when you watch too many Korean shows:

 23 February 2015

 17 March 2015

2 June 2015

I suppose this is the case because unlike American/ UK shows, they don't have one million seasons and one billion episodes, so they don't drag on for forever and you can actually keep watching new shows.

#1440 what would my head be like, if not for my shoulders
Monday 1 June 2015

Sageuks are a really good way to learn about Korean history. Case in point:
  • Shine or Go Crazy: shortly after the founding of the Goryeo Dynasty, Gwangjong of Goryeo
  • Tree with Deep Roots: shortly after the founding of the Joseon Dynasty, Sejong the Great, the birth of Hangeul
  • The Princess' Man: the coup d'état of Sejo of Joseon, the Six Martyred Ministers
  • Jewel in the Palace: the coup d'état of Jungjong of Joseon
  • Gu Family Book: General Lee Soon Shin and the turtle ship
  • Queen In Hyun's Man: a little on Queen In Hyun and royal concubine Jang Ok Jeong
  • Sungkyunkwan Scandal: a little on the Noron and Soron rivalry
  • Time Slip: Dr Jin: the power of the Andong Kim clan over the royal family, the rise of Hengseon Daewongun
  • Jejoongwon: the first western hospital in Korea, the beginning of the Japanese Occupation
rt if I probably know more snippets from Korea's history than from Singapore's history

#1439 falling for forever, wonderfully wandering alone

Here’s The Spelling Test All Starbucks Baristas Have To Take
Posted by SOML on Saturday, 30 May 2015

As funny as this it, as a barista/ a practical, sane and logical person with some streak of common sense, this video irritates me more than amuses me.

  1. It's a plastic cup that you're going to throw away as soon as you finish it within the day. 
  2. We're not mind-readers. Do not expect us to know how to spell your name the second we see your face. 
  3. Do you have any idea how many variations there are to names that sound the same? 
  4. If you want your name to be spelled correctly, is it really so difficult to spell the whole damn thing out?

auditory hallucinations

19 year old who still thinks she's 15.
Drowning in fandoms.
Hates auto-flushes and drains.
Has a non-existent nose bridge.
Can't live without rulers and letter openers.
Likes the taste of blood.
Control freak.
Loves fantastical stuff.
Aresian and proud.

155 cm
158 cm
Toms Vans
Cotton On Threadless
Fandom Shit
Impossible Dreams

And a million other things.

the aid-kit

the hobbit holes

the warp core
40112 Belle Janice Kellynn Rachel Loh Shin Yee Wyin Ares Hui Ting Jolene Michelle Rachel Wu Shu Ting Xuan Li

the witch grimoire

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