
fly like a cheese stick,

or fish fingers and custard.

#646 in the pain, there is healing
Friday 30 September 2011

What am I doing now? Slacking. Excellent.

Going for the Fudan briefing later at school with Mummy. I shall bathe after this and try to memorised Singapore Shared History at the same time. So far I've done National Identity Intro, National Symbols, Public Housing and NS. Hopefully they stay in my head. I'm already starting to forget bits of NS :S I've decided to scrape Education. Twisting my fingers and hoping it doesn't come out.

So anyway, today was our Children's Day Celebration! I think it's our best PCCG yet, because we had food and games and during that short period I totally forgot about how EOYs are starting in 5 days' time. Well, actually 3 days if you count French which I obviously havent' started for. And I received quite a few Appreciation Notes! Which made me feel totally guilty because I only wrote notes for Valerie and Zhi Xuan and next year I am totally gonna write for everyone D:

Recess was cool too (: Had cake (just a bit of Kellynn's since it was cheesecake) and a slice of pizza and random snacks leftover from the morning's PCCG. And then we totally went siao and played 老鹰捉小鸡 and got chased to the audi foyer by Ms Chia. We were all sweating like water fountains and the next lesson was SIL so our class (being our class) marched into the audi in twos, like really marching. We were going "left-right-left-right" and we really sounded like soldiers in the audi when we were marching on the wooden floor and everyone was staring at us :P Everyone as in the people who saw us going to the audi and the few people already in the audi.

Chemistry and LA passed in a breeze. I got 4/10 for my Moles quiz HARHAR :D

And my pencil case died :'( After like four years (or more) of usage... it has finally died. The zip came out and it can't be put back. So I just changed to the OP one. The pink one which I used to put my zig collection. And now my zig collection is in my purple MYUK "God Is Love" pencil case. The one which I used to put all my nice notes from other people. And now all my nice notes are in my dead black MYUK "It's your fault" pencil case which has been banished to the depths of my drawer DDDDDDDD: The only thing happy out of this is that I finally have a place to put the three small, ex but totally cute badges I'd bought.

One of the past evening's was just too beautiful. This was around 7? It soon disappeared, though D:


I absolutely hate doing this.

He never fails to amuse me. I really will miss him next year. Not as much as I miss Mme Pang, but I'll still miss him. Sigh.

The sky today on the way home I was totally admiring the cirrus clouds :D <3

#645 but it stopped short, never to go again, when the old man died
Wednesday 28 September 2011

I wanted to do a happy post today with French Oral being over and all, but mugging for IH puts me in such a bad mood, it's making me feel all emo now.

I was trying to memorise the link for National Symbols just now while lying on my bed, and the stuff took so long to really go into my head (I doubt it will remain there for very long in the first place) so I got really pissed and I seriously wanted to just rip up all my IH notes and throw them into a fire and lie on my bed and cry. And the worst part is that how I've only memorised National Symbols and the intro bit on National Identity in the first place... and according to plan I still have Public Housing, National Service, Shared History, Singlish, Japan Culture, Shinto Religion. Perhaps I'll just kick Education out since we've done it so often already. More out of desperation than ever.

Plus, the even worst worst part, that's only IH. We still have EPGY. I haven't gotten to look through the text book and consolidating all our many many thousand and one formulas, so don't even talk about memorising. I've done the first four chapter tests, but it doesn't really make a difference because I checked my past answers for nearly every question, and as for those I circled to mark as I have to go back to the text book to look at them again, well, I have not gone back to the text book to check.

And then I have French, with the billion tenses and exceptions.

I really don't want to think about all of this nonsense any longer, because the coming week seems like the longest one in my life yet. I'm just really really looking forward to the 11th. Perhaps if I will hard enough, I'll fall sick for the entire EOY week and miraculously recover on the weekends before we leave for Shanghai. I mean, because we're already not going to have an MSG, so I really really don't see the point of still having to take the rest of the subjects.

I guess I shouldn't be wasting time blogging here if I have so much stuff to do (understatement of the century), but I just feel like I must write all of these out somewhere, because these few days I've been holding everything in. One moment I'm carefree and happy at the thought that we're leaving in less than two weeks' time, but on the other hand whenever I go back to school and attend lessons like LA and Chinese and IH and especially, especially Math, I just sort of hit rock bottom again and find myself stuck in the middle of reality. Maybe this is why I've been getting tired very easily and early recently.

So for now since I have so little days left and I have so much stuff left to do, I shall just be content and take everything in stride. I'll be lying to myself, but I'm saying here that I don't care if I flunk IH and French and EPGY (for EPGY meaning below 85%), because if I do, it doesn't mean my life will end there. No employer will ask me how much I got for IH or French or EPGY EOY when I was 15, or what my MSG was because it's non-existent. And this is the truth now: I will not let something as minor as a few tests ruin my happiness in the long run. I don't know if I should say this, because I haven't told anyone this before. And neither do I need a counsellor or anyone's comfort because I've long been over it. It's just that, in the past, I used to be not so positive and I have actually considered ... before. It still feels weird to write it out here. But I was 13 then and now looking back, I can see how stupid I was because everything gets much worse as the years progress. And I've grown older now - as old as two years can get - and I will not let something as minor as exams and failures take my life away.

I'm trying very hard not to cry because if I do, I'll end up wetting my IH notes which are before me.

At this juncture I shall bring up the point again on how I'm okay at everything but excel at nothing. When I grow up I should just become something I want to be. Something that makes me happy and won't make me miserable like how I am now.

Je me moque de ce qu'on pense de moi. Je veux seulement mon propre bonheur. Est-ce trop demander?

#644 losing your memory
Tuesday 27 September 2011

French oral is tomorrow, and I've spent the last hour or so (ever since dinner which ended at 7+) trying to memorise some sentences. Currently they're more or less still in my head, and I'm twisting my fingers, hoping that that's where they'll remain. I wanted to practise more, but I was getting tired of it and my voice was kinda hoarse.

Today's Math lesson has gotten me back on the worried track again... Because it seems as if (no, fact is) I have forgotten just so much of the EPGY syllabus that was taught ever since January... Like finding rational zeroes and whatnot... This afternoon during recess I was redoing the Chapter Test on Logarithms, and for the three graphs at the back that we had to draw, I referred to my original answers for everything... Which totally made me feel like such a failure again. It's a miracle if I get Mdm Lee's passing score of 85%

I have nothing to say for IH.

Maybe I'll end up doing the best for LA and Chinese. What a change.

Anyway, this afternoon's Fudan Study Session thing was quite cool. I mean instead of going through normal admin stuff yada yada, we built these building thingies out of straws and pins. And our buildings had to be tall and stable. Obviously our group's was the most fail one, but -cough- as Meiling pointed out, the most entertaining one too. But we slacked around quite a bit before that activity too, so :/

Okay I've been lacking in pictures, so there (:

Oh gosh this is from ages ago! Like two Sundays ago?! It was at the Japanese Ajisen place in nex again, and I ate the same thing as I did when we went there previously :P

And this is... I forgot whose muffin :/ Was it Rachel Ng's. Oh god I feel hungry staring at all these pictures of food... and there's more to come.

I totally loled when I saw this email from Facebook and when YEAH RIGHT.

We had potatoes the other day! I forgot which day, though :/

Returned these a long time ago, and of course I miss them. Finished Kafka on the Shore yesterday, and I still don't quite understand it D: Just bits of stuff here and there. Wiki didn't help much -.- I shall reread it again some time soon (after eoys, duh) and really go and find quotes and analyse it :/

Soft Toy Day last Friday!!

Hui Min's penguin looks like it's paedoing over 妞妞 0.0

Taken by Nicole! 妞妞 and Nicole's cupcake-cookie thingies which have cool raisins in them :D

The gang.

Yan Li and her epic Totoro that can light up like a lantern.

The bigger gang.

Plus 马马 ._.

Kellynnie the kangaroo.

Jia Yi decided to be a Voldemort with a nose during Chinese.

Daddy bought this home when he came back. I was wondering what it was and it looked quite cool, so here it is on my blog.

And I was looking through all the NY Generation articles and found one on Miss Chan!! Looking at all these 2009 and 2010 things make me feel super old.

Oh, and I updated my phone with all these songs like by Lifehouse and The Script and The Wanted and all, and I realise that I really, really, really love one of The Wanted's songs. I mean, almost all of their songs are quite good. No wonder Dazale and the other PL girls really spazz over them over Twitter, especially when they came to Singapore not to long ago.

Pictures from the previous Sunday's dinner at The Little Fish Shop at nex! (Saturday night, we went to watch Johnny English Reborn at Tampines GV. Damn epic, really like laughing non-stop. And you've to stay through the credits, DON'T LEAVE because there's a post-credits scene -smirk smirk-)

Oh anyway, this was the Sashimi Platter we shared. And we were arguing whether I'd eaten sashimi before because I've always not-liked sashimi.

THBT Han Yi has eaten sashimi before. I was on the prop and Ma and Dad and Han Wei were on the opp. And I was so so so so so super surprised when Han Wei said I'd never eaten sashimi before because when we went Japan last year I swear I ate loads of sashimi (obviously) and Han Wei was sitting opposite me for most of our meals and he still dare say I never eat sashimi before HMPH.

The Caesar Salad. Which I obviously didnt' eat, except for that one piece of meat there.

Han Wei's fish and chips.

Mummy's something linguine.

My seafood linguine <3

Daddy had the same dish too, and he regretted it because it was the quote "very creamy type".

Aunty Kathy's crab spaghetti or something like that.

Yesterday I had mango ice blended and when I held it up against the sun it looked like the shimmery golden ppt in the test for iodide anion :D Though it isn't really obvious here.

And the size difference between Han Wei's terrapins.

Aidez-moi à demain, s'il-vous-plaît...

#637 just a dream
Saturday 24 September 2011

Blogging from Tampines Mall now. We're at Kopitiam waiting for Johnny English to start...

Okay dad just went "What is the movie called? I want to update my Facebook"

And Han Wei went "You bought the ticket you don't know?!"

And I just looked up and rolled my eyes :D

Anyway, just now Han Wei was trying to help Finnegan solve his P6 PSLE practice question. Cos we were at Ah Yee's house. Then I looked over curiously and went "Ooh! So long never see this type of question already! Got banana muffin one!!"

I feel damn old ):

#642 je regrette pas
Thursday 22 September 2011

Mummy just told me just now that the more she researched for our France trip this year end, the more she wanted to become French. She went "Why am I Singaporean???" And (I have to admit), I kind of agree with her... especially after spending quite some time randoming around, listening to the few French songs that I know.

Though I -cough- understand less than 0.000001%

I like this (: Je Veux by ZAZ

I think this was the first French song I was exposed to, by Mlle Tan. Actually most are through Mlle Tan :P Commes des Enfants by Coeur de Pirate

J'Envoie Valser by Olivia Ruiz. This is what you call hauntingly beautiful...
J'en vois des qui se donnet, donnet
Des bijoux dans le cou
C'est beau mais quand meme
Ce ne sont que des cailloux

Des pierres qui vous roulent, roulent
Et qui vous coulent sur les joues
J'aime mieux que tu m'aimes
Sans dépenser tes sous

Moi je m'en moque,
J'envoie valser les trucs en toc
Les cages dorés
Toi quand tu me serres très fort
C'est comme un trésor
Et ça, et ça vaut de l'or

J'en vois fes qui se lancent des regards et des fleurs

Puis qui se laissent quelque part ou ailleurs
Entre les roses et les choux
J'en connais des tas qui feraient mieux
De s'aimer un peu,
Un peu comme nous qui nous aimons beaucoup

Et d'envoyer ailleurs valser
Les bagues et les coeurs en collier
Car quand on s'aime très fort
C'est comme un trésor
Et ça, et ça vaut de l'or

Moi pour toujours j'envoie valser
Les preuves d'amour en or plaqué
Puisque tu me serres très fort
C'est là mon trésor
C'est toi, toi qui vaux de l'or

Manhattan-Kabou by Renaud & Axelle Red. The first time I heard this, I was wondering why it sounded so familiar... Then I suddenly realised it was the song the Bordeaux Exchange students sang for the farewell T.T -memories-

And of course, all time favourite, Vois Sur Ton Chemin <3

And Cerf-Volant. I really really like this song too :DD And the scene is so touching.

I tried watching this video, it's like behind the scenes, but then most of it's in French and there are no subs so I ended up only understanding 0.00000000000000000000000000000001% of the stuff, and that was because the French words sounded similar to the English ones.

My French so fail T.T

There goes my dreams of ever being able to converse in (and understand) French fluently.

#641 because I feel like I must make a list somewhere if not I'll forget
Wednesday 21 September 2011

Things to do soon/after EOYs, before Shanghai/overseas/after Shanghai, before France/every single time frame:
  • Get contacts
  • Master 千年之恋
  • Finish Kafka on the Shore
  • Pack luggage
  • Go book shopping for Lord of the Rings and any other book
  • Go souvenir shopping
  • Think of birthday presents I owe
  • Read Kafka on the Shore again while gathering quotes
  • Read The Vampire Diaries: The Return - Midnight
  • Read The Secret Circle: The Captive Part II and The Power
  • Go book shopping for Lord of the Rings and any other book
  • Pack luggage
  • Go souvenir shopping
  • Think of birthday presents I owe
  • Practice piano
  • Brush up French and pray I don't make a major fool out of myself
  • Be "on par" (can't find a suitable word) with The Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle airing in US if not Tumblr will totally ruin everything

#640 open my eyes, it was only just a dream

I actually have pictures in my phone, waiting to be posted on my blog, but I'm too lazy to plug it into my computer, so we shall go picture-less for today. And well, the previous days too.

So it's Wednesday night. The days seem to be passing really quickly. Maybe because yesterday and the day before yesterday, I didn't do much work in the evening/at night. Two weeks to EOYs and here I am, still slugging along happily. Such a slacker.

Monday's French was one of the best so far, I think. I mean, it was our last lesson and all, and then I realised I'd forgotten to bring my NYAA booklet for M. Quenot to sign. Come to think of it, I've forgotten where it even is. I think it's last known location was in my cupboard or something. Gotta check again.

Anyway, we watched Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec. No translation needed for that one, quite straight forward. It was a rather... interesting show. But Monsieur was switching between English and French subtitles because we needed to do a worksheet (he switched to the French subs when the related questions were comming -.-), so it was quite confusing. And the scenes changed quite abruptly at first, so Rachel and I were sitting there with the huh?!?! expression on our faces. I realise that expression can't be put in an emoticon, but I can do it very well. Ah well. After the movie, we'd to write this 140 words minimum reivew on it like why we like it or not, while he called us out one by one to do "oral". And that was how he practiced oral with us. So now Han Yi is very very nervous about oral because he didn't even go through it in class DDDDD:<<< Anyway I flunked my "oral" prac with him. Totally stoned there.

Yesterday, had to stay back for GCP Briefing. Not quite a briefing, just another one of our sessions. So the main idea is I stayed back in school.

Today got to go home early :D

Anyway. Finally got soc seminar over and done with. Ours had stretched since Monday period, because we started our soc sem on Monday, but the bell rang and there wasn't enough time so we had to continue today. I think I did okay. I hope.

Moles quiz and Graphical Solutions quiz were both okay. Except I think I screwed one of my questoins for Graphical Solutions, because we had to draw another graph that intersects the graph, but when I asked Zhi Xuan and Valerie, they both didn't draw any quadratic graphs and I'd drawn a quadratic graph. Whatever. My hopes are now on the Moles quiz.

Of course, Mrs Lai had to go and add on that it wasn't our last Moles quiz and she's gonna give us another quiz, now on the full Mole Concept since this one was mostly on Percentage Purity/Yield ._. And another quiz on Bonding. Argh! Eoys are in 2 weeks and I've barely started studying and still got all these extra quizzes arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and the Bio quiz on blood on oxygen dissociation graphs on Monday -cries- I'm gonna die this weekend, plus I haven't gotten souvenirs for the people in Fudan and started packing my luggage (Jia Yi has already packed finish)....

I'm rather squeamish about how I'm not gonna have an MSG this year cos I'm going Fudan for GCP. But then again, on the other hand, I get to miss the Sciences, which gives me a lot more time for mugging for other subjects, so I'm happy (:

My me time recently has been devoted to playing the piano again. It seems that whenever exams are close I play the piano instead of, you know, really revising. Other people seem to be really into baking ._. HAI the only thing I can cook is maggie mee, mind you.

I'm trying to play 千年之恋 by FIR. I can already play like the first part quite smoothly, of course, that was until I saw the second half and totally went like



But I just -cough- "annotated" it just now and I hope it's okay.

EOYs are coming, and the song may be hard, but I don't wanna give up learning it. I've already started, and I don't want to stop. By some twist of luck, may I actually manage to learn this song and master it.

The current thing that's killing me is IH. How am I gonna survive this, man. I haven't even started for French. And the only thing I've done for EPGY are the pretests Mdm Lee dished out for us on Edmodo.

Lemme countdown. I like counting down. Makes things seem a lot more faster.

7 days... to French Oral
12 days... to French EOY
14 days... to Higher Chinese EOY
15 days... to LA Paper 1 EOY and IH EOY (the ultimate killer.)
16 days... to LA Paper 2 EOY and EPGY EOY and most important of all, FREEDOM.
20 days... to Shanghai~~~

Come one man... 20 days doesn't seem very far away...

I wonder what the 8 of us are gonna do on the 10th. It's a normal school day, and during Bio and Math, Mrs Wong and Mdm Lee will probably be going through questions, so we'll just sit there, leaning back against our chairs, doing questions at a very leisurely pace. And then it's home and last-minute-luggage-packing.

Rachel Ng has been freaking me out about what her senior said about the dorms in Fudan. About how there aren't any power plugs in the rooms, the toilets are "common", and lights are out at 10. The most traumatic one is how we have to quote: "fight with the China people for power plugs/toilets."

Should I just continue with IH tomorrow.

I feel under accomplished.

-wallows in self-pity-

#639 strain your ears; you may hear the fairground music
Sunday 18 September 2011

Where admission is free, and the only thing we do all day is to slack! The only rule is that homework, exams, assignments, and anything else work related are banned! (And so is smoking, by the way. It's bad for health.)

Try out the Bumper Cars, where you can bump away all your worries! Or perhaps the Haunted House, where you can scream at your fears instead of having your fears scream at you? Not the forget our famous Roller Coaster, where you can fly through the air at incredible speeds and put your stress all behind you! Oh, and the as-high-as-the-Empire-State-Building Ferris Wheel, where you can be awed by the gorgeous scenery till you forget about everything! Still not convinced? Then you definitely can't miss our Spinning Tea Cups, where you spin till all your worries get shaken out of your head!

So, what are you waiting for, come now!

Remember, no work allowed!

However if you do forget, all work, assignments, worksheets, tests, exams, or anything else related to stress-inducing material, will be confiscated at the main entrance and sent straight to our very own in-park incenerator.

Have fun!

#638 obsession
Saturday 17 September 2011

-snores- There are so many pictures :/

The entire of this morning was taken up by YSC, which turned out to be (as expected), quite a waste of time. I mean we just went there, sat down, listened to some peopel giving their speeches and presentations, then went out for tea reception and randomed around our posters and not explaining anything because everyone was busy having their tea reception and it was all in a mess so we ended up just randoming around too and contributing to the mess so you see how a big major cycle this is.

But thank god they let us off early instead of the original 12.30. Anyway, I still had to wait until like 12.30+ for Ma to come, because she got lost twice(?) in NTU.

I seriously can't imagine myself in a university, let alone working with a proper job. And just now while the three groups were presenting their presentations, Yi Xin and I were having this rather serious conversation on what universities we wanted to go and what we wanted to be in the future like that. Very future-ey.

I don't know if I should go to an overseas university or just go local. I mean obviously, it depends on whether I can get a scholarship, and obviously, after looking at -cough- my obviously very talented beloved 301 classmates, my chances of getting a scholarship are really even slimmer than how I slim I want to be.

And the thing about my ambition... I mean I used to be so sure I wanted to be a gynae. Then I didn't know if I wanted to be a gynae, or just some other type of doctors. Since there are so many types of doctors. Then, I realised, do I really want to become a doctor? What I'm saying is, I know I should be a doctor. It's like the safe path. But what if I want to try something new? Like instead of going with what I should go, what if I go with what I really, really like? Not that I don't like medicine and all, but what if there's another profession out there that I will probably end up having a greater passion for as compared to medicine? For example, I've always been quite a daydreamer and I really love to imagine stuff, and jobs related to that are usually like authors, illustrators, artists... et cetera. But then again, these are like the risky paths. So I think I'm like at crossroads. -cue thought of The Road Less Travelled by Robert Frost-
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
On a lighter note, 千年之恋 has been in my head for the entire day.

On a not-so-lighter note, I realise EOYs are coming soon, and I've barely started revising and everyone else is in mugger-crazy mode.

We went to ECP in the afternoon, and the back of this post is spammed with pictures from there.

We finally have a proper group photo! Everyone looks prim and proper except me. I look like I'm hunching. In which case I probably am. I remember someone passed by and went "Yi Xin, not the Stamford Raffles pose!!" xD

This is proof that Sabrina Lau's dp is an egg and is not a dog.

At that time.

Now I see it as a dog.

The face in the air con vent of the car. Can you see it????? :D

I showed Han Wei and he was like: "That does not look like a face -.-"

Which reminds me of a quote from some movie
"You people have no imagination!"
Grah imagination.

Before you get any wild ideas, we did not (I repeat, did not) build this ridiculously awesome sand castle. It was built by the professionals who were in charge of this entire sand castle building thing at ECP.

I was trying to take from different angles of the pro sand castle :D

And that annoying boy in blue at the back kept walking here and there and dancing around and disrupting my picture taking peace DDDDDDDD:<

See his hand there. Total picture pooper.

Through the arched bridge!

Super pro leh can build an arched bridge and it actually stays there O:

I thought this looks very life-sized :D

I love the darkness of this one (:

I realise the tip of my finger is there o.o If not for that and the people at the background, this one would have been perfect.

The sandcastle we built ._. So teeny in comparison.

But the equipment was quite challenging to use, okay. And it took us ages to get the perfect moat. The staircase is by Han Wei. And he refused to demolish it when we realised the door of the castle wasn't facing the staircase -.-

There is a plant at the topmost turret!! :D

Placed by me :D

Aunty Kathy wanted a picture so badly

Okay I had to go through like more than 5 shots to get this perfect shot. Because I either took slanted, didn't take it whole, or there were people walking at the background -pissed look-

Perfectionist side emerges.

This is a sandcastle-lised Rohan :D

Another one built by the pros. I love the tree-ant-hill-like thingies at the sides.

Okay this one is slanted but I was rushing cos there was someone (a person with a very pro-looking camera) behind me. And I think I looked like a toot. This girl with sand all over using an iPhone to try to take hopefully beautiful photos and there's a person with a pro-looking DSLR behind me -paiseh look-

And I looked up and thought the kites were really beautiful too (:

She does the same pose every time -.-

They do look like birds.

By the pros again.

And the big daddy by (obviously) the pros.

And here comes my favourite "series" of pictures...

The silhouette of the topmost castle against the setting sun <3


Then the following are the editted ones on various apps.

The final montage <33

When we got home, I realised the spider that I'd caught earlier on in the day on my bathroom mirror was still alive and had actually spun a small web around itself at the corner of the container I'd put it in... See! If you can see it. I mean you can't see the web, but can you see the spider??

This weekends are so short have I said this already D:

auditory hallucinations

19 year old who still thinks she's 15.
Drowning in fandoms.
Hates auto-flushes and drains.
Has a non-existent nose bridge.
Can't live without rulers and letter openers.
Likes the taste of blood.
Control freak.
Loves fantastical stuff.
Aresian and proud.

155 cm
158 cm
Toms Vans
Cotton On Threadless
Fandom Shit
Impossible Dreams

And a million other things.

the aid-kit

the hobbit holes

the warp core
40112 Belle Janice Kellynn Rachel Loh Shin Yee Wyin Ares Hui Ting Jolene Michelle Rachel Wu Shu Ting Xuan Li

the witch grimoire

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