
fly like a cheese stick,

or fish fingers and custard.

#479 when you wish upon a star makes no difference who you are
Monday 28 February 2011

Dear God, I pray that tomorrow for Chapter Test I won't freak out like what happened for the quiz on Functions (which I got back today and got the -mostly probably- lowest in class of 7/20). I pray that whatever I revise will remain in my head and stay there and I will be logical and not freak out when I see the questions because I have a tendency of doing that.

Love, Han Yi.

#478 I'm getting off track and I can't control a thing
Sunday 27 February 2011

omg the cow looks super spastic.

Didn't go for 江 today, so I managed to finish Pretest 2 during the 2 hours which was supposed to be for 江.

And yeah the rest of the day was pretty much Math-Physics related.

Tomorrow is Monday SO FAST TT.TT

#477 I've lost all my trust though I've surely tried to turn it around
Saturday 26 February 2011

Guzheng Prac today was one of the best ever. I think we improved by quite a bit and now our standard isnt' a COP standard!! :D And Hui Ting also said we got hope lor okay. Eh within a week we improve not bad eh :D 自夸~ But anyway hope our efforts pay off! :D Like today we were playing through the songs that time I got the shiver-shiver feeling you get when you play until very 激动 or whatnot aiya I can't describe it lah.

Came home and took like 3 hours+ to do Revision Exercise 7 on Functions and Graphs, and I didn't even do finish lor =.= I'm left with one page, but I think I've given up on RE7 so now I'm going on to read the ridiculously thick text book.

Finally managed to chiong out Janice's and Joyce's long overdue letters! :D

Teehee. The girl on Joyce's letter is kinda screwed D: But pig and bear!! :D ahaha~~


And obs is coming soon D: I don't feel like going neh...


#476 hoist the colours
Friday 25 February 2011

See, even Natalie Dee had to do a Math related one.

No Math today, which is well, a huge breather. But I am now currently troubled over the packing of OBS and how I can possibly lug a harversack/duffel bag everywhere I go. And an even bigger problem during OBS. And another big one, which is I don't have internet connection for 5 days. Well okay, maybe a little less than that.

Did most of the homework today, not most, but quite some stuff are crossed out from my diary so that's good (which reminds me YI XIN I SHALL EMAIL YOU NOW SORRY!!) but I'm still left with lots of major revision like Math -cue groan- the chapter test which is on the subject of the POS quiz which I majorly flunked and then Chemical Formula for Chem and DT and VT graphs for Physics which I surely die one.

And there's CCA tomorrow morning.

So as you can see, my weekends are pretty much the usual.

#475 wheel of fortune
Thursday 24 February 2011

Today's Math quiz was the most badly done POS in the history of quizzes. As in how I'd fared, not the quiz. The quiz was hard like diamond. Because it is a giant covalent compound with tetrahedral structure yadayadayada.

I left around 3 questions (including sub questions) blank, like didn't put any answer whatsoever at all, and another around 3 questions were tikamed. And my working was atrocious. When there was just a couple of minutes left, Mdm Lee bent down to ask me whether I'd finished the quiz and I shook my head and said no and I felt like crying even though I'd been telling myself all throughout the quiz I wouldn't cry.

It's not that I didn't revise for it, I freaking did. It's just that when you revise so hard for something, and when it really comes, your mind is just blank, as if everything you'd revised had been vacuumed out.

So not looking forward to receiving it back.

Investiture was... boring. Mostly because I didn't watch a glimpse of it at all because I was stuck outside on the second level of the LTs with the 210 monitor -.- And I couldn't even take my stuff to do because the classroom door was locked. And so I was walking around the 2nd level Music Block rather aimlessly while the 210 monitor was doing her homework =.=


#474 procrastination.
Wednesday 23 February 2011

Totally true!! Except that I don't lose my thumbdrives. I lose other stuff. From time to time an eraser. Or more serious, my ruler.

Something from Tumblr.

Left brain: I am the left brain. I am a scientist. A mathematician. I love the familiar. I categorize. I am accurate. Linear. Analytical. Strategic. I am practical. Always in control. A master of words and language. Realistic. I calculate equations and play with numbers. I am order. I am logic. I know exactly who I am.

Right brain: I am the right brain. I am creativity. A free spirit. I am passion. Yearning. Sensuality. I am the sound of roaring laughter. I am taste. The feeling of sand beneath bare feet. I am movement. Vivid colors. I am the urge to paint on an empty canvas. I am boundless imagination. Art. Poetry. I sense. I feel. I am everything I wanted to be.

I realise I am both brains o.o Like I have characteristics from both sides. And it's not like only one or two characteristics. It's a few.

And today the only real proper homework that is like given today is Math. Which I finished in school before AMC (which I shall rant about after this) started.



AMC. Right AMC. Out of 25 questions I only answered 12. Yes I left 13 blank. Stop staring at me like that I already know my Math sucks. And out of the 12 I answered one wrongly. Supposedly. But most probably wrongly.


The Silly Things We Do In Class

This was actually a couple of days ago. "经神病" written wrongly by Hui Ting. "精" corrected by Wang Qian. "好! 王倩!" praised by Sabrina.


Today! Hui Ting demanding for people to hand in Bio AS 3.1

Something someone wrote on the board which inspired me to go on with this...

301 in Mathematical symbols!! :D

By me too :D with someone's random fingers.

Yan Li told me this during CME. "I ate some pi"

Who else but Sabrina.

Another thing Yan Li told me during CME.

Hee hee me again!! :D

Note the last column: "Chi SIA Proposal... Fri 25/2... -scream-" I think the "I" and the ice cream cone were added on by Mdm Lee -.-

Okay and anyway, it was raining super duper heavily after AMC on the way home, and it was like 伸手不见五指 in the rain, except of course I was in the car.

Mummy was driving home and as we got closer to home the rain started to get lighter. Because the cumulonimbus clouds weren't really over our neighbourhood :D And so it got lighter and lighter and suddenly it stopped altogether when Mummy turned left on Upper Serangoon Road.
Mum: Eh, here stop raining already?
Me: Ma... you're under the flyover...
Reached home! Was a teeny bit hungry so I ended up glutting on leftover CNY goodies and this is why I now feel very guilty:

I think the love crackers were a little lao4 hong1 o.o

Tada! This shall go on the class tee! :D

#473 the drumbeat rhythm for the guides thing is stuck in my head
Tuesday 22 February 2011

Today was the guides day thing and the drumbeat rhythm is stuck in my head. It's kinda cool though~~

We finished watching the gua sha movie in BSP! And now we have a worksheet to do. Excellent. As well as some stuff to read before next week's seminar circle thing. If I already fare so badly in the LA seminar circle stuff (or whatever), imagine me in the Chinese one. (-silence-)

Anyway I tried the cheese chicken terriyaki rice thing today. It was okay lah. Not like it was super cheesy or what. Bearable, I guess. And quite a fair bit of portion too.

During IH we watched a clip of a Japanese game show where some Japanese people in a class watched a video on a Japanese trying to speak English stuff (which was damn freaking super epic I wonder how they kept form laughing) and they had to try to not laugh if not they were smacked on the butt with a wooden pedal thingy.

And the dude who was in the video in the video who was trying to pronounce the English said the numbers damn epicly we were like xDDDD the whole time. I think I laughed till I cried o.o

Dude in video in video: (at first very fast but then slowed down) "One, two, three, four..." (after awhile) "... Eighteen, nineteen.... -long awkward silence- Ten... ten. Ten-ten-one..."

He continued on to "Ten-ten-two" but by that point of time the whole class was already mad with laughter. And it was super funny cos you could also see the people in the game show trying very hard not to laugh. One person was actually biting something but he still laughed xP

Then the number "100" popped up on the bottom of the screen of the video in the video.

Dude in video in video: "Ten-ten... -another pause while he looks down at fingers- Ten-ten-ten-ten-ten-ten-ten-ten."

I think I started crying around here.

Physics. Mr. Tan gave another one of those very inspring, very memorable (and of course very hilarious) sayings of his:
"To avoid parallax error, I placed my eyeball directly on the ruler."
I realise today is a very laughy day.

During Assembly, Mr. Mackintosh talked about his kingdom in Scotland and we were all like -jaws drop- If he has so much stuff back in Scotland and is the Chief of his clan in Scotland what on earth is he doing in Singapore?!?! o.o

It's like there's even a Wiki page on his family.

His current family house is the 4th since the dunno-when-is-it-1300s. One of his ancestors (was it his great-grandfather or grandfather...?) knew the King (of Scotland?) and the PM. The Treaty of Ireland (independence I think) was signed in his 3rd family house (which was demolished in 1959 I think). The King (of Scotland?) used to go for his vacation in his 3rd family house. He has a family crest. He has a museum (albeit a small one) on his family history. His family history is super long.

I mean when I think of my family all I can think of is:
  1. Daddy's side is Hokkien.
  2. Mummy's side is Cantonese.
  3. Daddy's daddy was from China. (i.e. I am 3rd generation in Singapore)
  4. Daddy's family used to make keropoks. (you know the super addictive fried cracker thingies)
  5. Daddy's daddy's daddy had three wives so during CNY, I don't know precisely how I'm related to half the people I meet.
Yeah that's pretty much it. Today's assembly made me inspired to dig into family history. But I'll probably trace back to some village in Fuzhou/Guangdong.

But it's the curiosity I think. Like the curiosity of finding out where your roots lead to. Given what little stuff I really know about my family, it's really kinda pathetic.


And anyway, the following is proof of me going crazy or boredom (this was written during recess).

#472 dug my way out, blood and fire
Monday 21 February 2011

We're gonna have Mad Mondays every Monday morning from now onwards. It's a guzheng bonding thing o.o And Freaky (some people insist it's "Fun") Friday, which is an alliteration, more "fanciful" term for Friday SYF pracs.

Math. Bio. Lunch. Chinese. Physics. CCT. French. Home.

Yeah that was pretty much it :\

#471 pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light
Sunday 20 February 2011

Yuck. I hate pills. They get stuck in your throat and if you don't dare to swallow them for too long (like me -cough-) they dissolve in your mouth and become bitter goop.

Went to the MOF place in nex for dinner! They have like a billion kinds of pasta and pizza and whatnot, and Mummy was so excited to go there, and then when the food came the portion was small and she didn't like her pasta so she was very disappointed ):

Anyway after I was done with my beef bolognese penne I discovered the joys of food art O:~

You may call it playing with my food, but it's FOOD ART, people! :D

this one is the best ~♥ but you do realise it looks like a chicken... with the sharp pointed thingy on the right side and the short extension at the bottom which looks like a leg... I just realised O:

Smiley face! :D Screwed larh. Before this I tried a flower then a star, but both were completely screwed ):

Butterfly! Not very obvious. It just looks like a splotch of goppy muck. Or maybe a flower. But I was rushing with this one because Mummy and Han Wei and Aunty Cathy were already inching away from the seat to go to the counter to pay.

And you know Osim? That company that sells massage stuff? I realise that it can stand for Oh Shit It's Monday :D

I shall chiong out Janice's letter now.

#470 barbossa is hungry so there's a blood ritual and a moonlight serenade
Saturday 19 February 2011

It is 10pm and now, episode 14 Fool Me Once of TVD S1 is showing on Channel 5. Hans Zimmer is pure genius. The POTC soundtrack is beyond perfect.

Happy birthday, Constantin Brancusi, whoever you are. Are you an artist?

Delayed pics!

The carrot and the fish. Blub blub.

Cat/Rabbit specials for V-Day! :D crap I just realised I haven't replied Janice's letter yet o.o Not in a very letter-writing mood now ): I'm in a procrastinating mood :D

Took this quick shot of dad's shoe and shoe polish by the staircase early this morning because it looked so much like the cover of The Time Traveller's Wife

SMPF was... screwed up. The teacher said we did well for the Q&A section, but I answered only like 1 (or even 1/2) of the question =.=

Afterwards was Ahma's bday lunch at the Yum Cha place in Serangoon Gardens.

Home. Did homework. Daddy and Mummy and Han Wei left for Daddy's dinner with someone. Stayed at home. Bathed. Had dinner while watching to half a documentary on why crocodiles were dying in a certain river.

Ooh I'm like left with research and the letter to Brutus. Lots of research. Go die.

Being Human is an awesome show. Both BBC and Syfy, but currently I'm more inclined towards BBC.

#469 红尘醉微醺的岁月
Friday 18 February 2011

Last school day of the week! :D Busy weekends ahead D:

During BSP we watched this Chinese-English movie (or at least the first hour or so of it) called The Treatment which was really agitation-provoking and after that one hour or so Yi Xin was practically yelling all the way to Chem Lab. It's about a Chinese family who emigrated to America... and I shan't describe it all here, but when in the court because of the couple's son, the lawyer really seriously heavily insulted the Chinese culture (including 孙悟空), which, of course, got everyone really pissed.

I screwed up the Chem quiz on atomic history. I think I got like 3 wrong already?

During SIL, this person from Oracle (Daddy's company~) came over to talk about some ThinkQuest International Competition which I really feel like joining~~ But given all our current homework and SIAs and assignments and workload and commitments... Maybe not ): Ah well.

At 2.45 we went upstairs for guzheng string-changing. 高音 the strings are super frigging hard to change so in the time I took to change 5 高音 strings, some people had already changed like 14+ normal guzheng strings? Anyway, I poked myself on the thumb and it bled ): After awhile it stopped but it was sore for a little while more but now it's okay thank god (: And I had a couple of mishaps where I screwed up the screwing with the new string and had to take another new string.


#468 we gonna stand up like a soldier get everything we deserve
Thursday 17 February 2011

ew fats. speaking of which, I'm now the lightest in the family! Family as in Daddy and Mummy and Han Wei and Aunty Cathy. Daddy's ... -ahem- Mummy's ... not far from me I guess, Han Wei's -cough splutter cough- 50, Aunty Cathy's 47.9 and I'm 47 ahahahaha :DDD

I think Chem today was awesome. I managed to do the experiments without screwing anything up!! :D Like I got the sulfur dioxide tests correct at one go for both potassium dichromate VI and potassium manganate VII. And I was so scared I'd burn my hand or forget to take out the potassium dichromate VI/potassium manganate VII from the delivery tube first before removing the entire thing from above the Bunsen flame if not there'd be a suck back which happened with Wyin. She just pulled both test tubes out of the flame instinctively and I was looking and was like "NO WYIN NO!!!! -horrified look-" but as soon as I said that all the liquid spilled over and onto her worksheet which now has a big green splotch .__.

LA was cool too~~ We read an article about proactivity and reactivity and came up with statements on them as groups. Our group had three! :D
  1. A very formal one. Which I have forgotten ._.
  2. Just do it -Nike tick at chin-
  3. We must try not to be Group 1 of the periodic table.
And then we watched videos, including the 911 The Falling Man thing which was quite... I don't know... it just made us realise the gravity and stuff of 911, not like I treated it like just two towers tumbling down in the past, but you could sense the horror from the video. Which was like 1 hour+ long and we only watched 10+ minutes o.o

First lesson of MO. As expected, I couldn't do all the questions (until he went through) except one -cough- which was of course, the easiest. Although my method was quite long-winded -.-


#467 there are no strings on me!
Wednesday 16 February 2011

Heh heh the above sounds very familiar.

Today's rock climbing wasn't very good. I think I progressed the slowest T.T partially because on my first try from the left to right I slipped and fell (lucky I was close to the ground and not too high up) and scraped my left elbow and knee against the wall and till know they're still sore T.T My elbow bled a little TT.TT

After school stayed back for Greenwave meeting, and Mummy came at late 4+ or 5? Because she had a dental appointment. Went home, slacked, ate the remaining 1/4 of the Ben and Jerry's ice cream tub (god my weight T.T) while watching GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra on HBO Hits. Eh it's quite a nice show eh!! Lots of action~~

Tomorrow's Thursday. Physics quiz + 3 days to weekends. But most of my Saturday is gone because of the MRP presentation thingy ARGH.

#466 a day of many feelings.
Tuesday 15 February 2011

Today has been a day of many emotions. A very nutty day.

Frustration, when problems keep popping up to bother you throughout the day;

Confusion, when even more problems come along in the form of SIAs and Math questions;

Pessimism, when you realise all your problems just keep piling up and won't go away;

Hopelessness, when you accept your pessimistic fate and can't do anything about it;

Lost, when you've drowned yourself in problems and despair and hopelessness;

Busy, when you wake up and try to eliminate all those problems one by one;

Exhaustion, when eliminating problems gets too tiring;

Starvation (hunger is too mild a word), when you have to use time for problem-eliminating;

And accomplishment, when you strike off problem after problem from your diary, when you finish all the Math questions assigned, when you find something you thought you'd lost, when you look back at all your mountainous problems in the distance and realise you've climbed over them, when you try to tell yourself that although tomorrow will bring more mountainous problems, you'll feel exactly the same way at the end of the day: accomplishment.

#465 sens au coeur de la nuit
Monday 14 February 2011

My life is like blurring past me now. There's so much stuff to do and I'm doing everything so quickly (including typing this) I feel like some sort of hyper-powered machine.

In total, today I climbed up to the fourth storey of buildings (school and MOELC) a total of six times. Four in school, twice in MOELC.

Chinese was in Com Lab 3. Wyin was tempted to read the synopsis of TVD :D I half fell asleep during LA when Ms Chan was talking about democracy (and yes, I was sitting right in front of her) but I jerked up wide awake when she switched the lesson to Julius Caesar annotating. I had six small sushis and two medium sized ones for lunch. Got 9.5/10 (or is it 9?) for Bio Quiz. Which was on a small piece of typical Bio save-the-earth paper. I got 14/20 for my Math Quiz and I could have gotten full marks. What's new. CCT was in Hall about Youth for Causes and I couldn't do the super long PSL survey so I just sent the class an email and attachment (-hint hint- if you haven't replied).

At MOELC I had two tuna sandwiches and a stick of three soggy but nice nuggets. I got 17/20 for French and (once again) I could have gotten full marks. Or closer to full marks. And I received back a lot of tasks and my final task and whathaveyou and I tell you I'm gonna fail French this year. I think the teacher's biased against me :| Oh well maybe I'm just reading too much and it's just my typically declining standards.

During French break I had an egg tart and a yoghurt drink which tasted like medicine but was quite nice (: It's a new drink~~

Valentine's Day. Got a small but super cute purple rose from Kellynn which is now twined around the key chain of my pencil case. Got a letter from Janice and a letter-heart from Joyce, both of which I will not reply by tomorrow. Sorry guys ): 林老师 (as usual) gave us not one, not two, but three sweets. I ate two in school (during lunch) and one is now sitting on my file and I shall put it into the fridge later (if I remember to) because it's all floppy and melted. Gross.

#464 l'onde d'espoir
Sunday 13 February 2011

Just heard some loud bangings while packing my stuff.

First thought: Is it raining? Sounds like thunder.
Second thought: OMG it's getting more frequent IT'S WORLD WAR III.

And then mummy's room door burst open and I thought second thought was confirmed to be true. Mummy burst into my room and I half expected her to say
"Quick pack what you need and go to the bomb shelter! ____ (insert whatever country name here) is bombing us!"
This was what happened.
"Quick go up to the roof top it's fireworks!"
Like so weird right. Fireworks near my house o.o

Anyway this song is hauntingly beautiful.

Vois sur ton chemin
Gamins oubliés égarés
Donne leur la main
Pour les mener vers d'autres lendemains

Sens au coeur de la nuit
L'onde d'espoir
Ardeur de la vie
Sentier de gloire

Bonheurs enfantins
Trop vite oubliés effacés
Une lumière dorée brille sans fin
Tout au bout du chemin

Sens au coeur de la nuit
L'onde d'espoir
Ardeur de la vie
Sentier de gloire

French is such a beautiful language ♥

#463 noooooooooooo

Someone tell me how the weekends passed so quickly.

Tomorrow I've to bring the freaking tablet PC to school and somehow march into the GO and ask if I can meet Mr. Jeffrey Low and I bet the receptionist will ask me why and I've to tell her the very long story of how I have a sometimes existent, sometimes non-existent problem with my borrowed tablet PC and so my parents emailed Mr. Low and Mr. Low asked to see me.

Brilliant the tablet PC is now working as I type this.

Bio Quiz tomorrow. I've studied, but it feels as if I've absorbed nothing.

Watched Troy in the afternoon. Nice show, but mummy pulled us out to Ah Yee's house at the part where the Trojans pulled the horse into Troy so I didn't know how it ended. Just read the sypnosis on Wiki, and it's like practically everybody dies -.- Paris nearly got killed by the-person-who-got-his-wife-Helen-stolen-away-from-him. The-person-who-got-his-wife-Helen-stolen-away-from-him-by-Paris got killed by Hector. The-nephew-of-Achilles got killed by Hector. Hector got killed by Achilles (I think I almost screamed at this part). The-father-of-Hector-and-Paris-who-is-also-the-king-of-Troy got killed by someone, I think Achilles. The brother-of-the-person-who-got-his-wife-Helen-stolen-away-from-him-by-Paris got killed by someone. Achilles got killed by Paris.

And I found out today that Wyin also watches The Vampire Diaries :D -highs-

btw I need a blue blazer for NYSL. Can I borrow from anyone? :3

#462 I could watch the world pass by just as long as it's you and I
Saturday 12 February 2011

Had guzheng in the morning today, then just came back from MRP Meeting at the Bukit Timah Sogurt.

Guess which is mine!! :D

Tablet PC still refusing to turn on. Brilliant. How the hell am I gonna submit the quiz due on Tuesday and the other quiz due this coming Friday?

This is freaky I've to meet Mr. Jeffrey Low on Monday with the prehistoric-dunno-whether-it-will-turn-on-or-not-tablet-pc so he can see what he can do ._.

Hopefully I can somehow miraculously remember all the Bio cells stuff.


#461 tired of revising
Friday 11 February 2011

I'm posting so many times today o.o but I'm listening to this song (3rd time) which I got off the 91.3 FM website, and to be frank, it made me cry especially since now I'm (honestly speaking) in an on-and-off emotional turmoil (ie. mood swings).

I shall add this song to the list of song options for the year-end class montage (:

#460 stupid tablet pc is still dead on me.

Happy b'day, Thomas E. I'm sure you'll be glad to know that know, there are billions of electric lights around the world.

You sure have brightened up the place.

#459 when the lights go out, we'll be safe and sound

Starting to really love this song ♥

The weekends are gonna be really crazy. School sucks. Can you please not take over my weekends for once?

Next Monday there's a Bio Quiz. Thursday, Physics Quiz. Friday, Chem Quiz on the freaking history of the atom which other classes don't learn about. And the atomic structure. Like brilliant. I didn't even catch a single thing when Mrs. Chew was going through those few lessons because it was way too complex. Sometimes I think I prefer Physics to Chem. This is one of those times.

Tablet PC refusing to start up. Again. If not for the $2000+ price tag which comes with it, I'd have thrashed it onto the floor by now.

There's guzheng tomorrow. Won't stop me from sleeping late tonight. Not as if I haven't been sleeping late the last few nights, but at least I won't feel as guilty. I think if this carries on I'm gonna have insomnia. Not like I don't already have insomnia. Maybe insomnia's just a fancy word for light-sleeper. After guzheng is Math Research.

School is driving me insane. So are my glasses. I keep taking them out and putting them back on again because it's so uncomfortable because it keeps getting stuck with my hair and then I take it out and put it back on again then it's lopsided then I repeat the process all over again. The weather is driving me nuts. It's hot and sticky and it just rained a convectional rain and I can feel all the heat rising even though I'm like at the 3rd storey where the hell did the nice cold weather just a few weeks ago go to???

Most of all, I want to put everything to do with homework and school through a paper shredder. Or an incinerator if it's too big, like the Science textbooks and Precalculus.

-fiddles with glasses again-

#458 I shall start a new post instead of just keep adding onto the last one.
Thursday 10 February 2011

finally don't have to stay back tomorrow :DD

Mummy does this mean we can stop by nex on the way home and buy Starbucks??? :DDD -pleads and blinks huge innocent eyes and sticks lower lip out-

#457 let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday

Somehow, this sounds so Sabrina-ey.

The days are getting way hotter? Where the hell did all my beloved cold duck days go??? T.T During Math I could literally feel the heat rising from the ground, perhaps because our class is on the first level, and it was just so hot and lethargic.

Speaking of Math, today's Math was one of those Math days which left me clueless and so now I'm mugging whatever we've learned today. Sad case. I'm gonna fail Math. Seriously.

After Math was IH and I think I half-slept through the lesson and I was like sitting right in front of the class.

Bad news: Mdm S was talking about Structured Essay Questions.
Badder news: I wasn't busy taking notes but was busy trying not to fall asleep (somewhat unsuccessfully) while the other five people sitting around me at the table were scribbling away.
Baddest news: I can't quite recall what she talked about :|

LA! I was awake then, and we talked about William Shakespeare and the Renaissance and stuff and someone (was it Kellynn or Sabrina?) kept telling me everything sounded like Greek and Kellynn was talking about how Miss Chan is so smart and can cram all the "Greek" stuff into her head and is practically a walking encyclopaedia.

There was CCM Training after school, so I didn't go for MO or CCA. CCM Training was okay, I guess. The best part about it was the tuna sandwich.


It's like tuna with the wholemeal kind of bread, but the thing is you can't taste the wholemeal part of it at all and it blends in really well with the tuna~~~

V-Day coming soon. Haven't gotten Joyce C's present. In fact I haven't gotten loads of people presents. This is kinda stressing.

Math. First alphas and betas and now functions and relations. GRAH.

Special Request by a Certain Somebody

Mdm Lee can play the guitar OO: She can seriously play the guitar. And at the end of Math she played the guitar while singing the Rainbow Connection song thingy except she'd changed the lyrics.

And anyway I saw Janice during Math today. Mdm Lee was going through some stuff and then Janice walked by outside along the corridor and then we waved and then Sabrina leaned over the aisle and asked me why I had such a cute mortal and why she couldn't have such a cute mortal and I stuck out my tongue :D

See Janice I'm not the only one who thinks you're cute :DD

CCM Training met Janice again! Our sms convo:
Me: -just entered LT1-
JC: You're in CCM?
Me: You see me? O:
JC: Up here on the right! (:
Me: -twists around slowly to see but fails to spot little Janice in huge crowd- Whose right??
JC: Look for drawing block! I demand you tell me your role ><
Me: -turns around again and sees Janice stand up and wave a drawing block in the air right at the top of LT1-
AHAHAHA Janice this only proves your cuteness ahahaha :DDD

And speaking of meeting people, I (obviously) met Jia Min in CCM Training! :D During the impromptu-5-min-break we were given because the facilitator (called Benjamin) was trying to solve some technical errors (we were going to watch a short clip but the visualiser kept dying on him LOL) I went outside the LT to snack on my two sandwiches and so did Jia Min!

We were like.
JM: -walks up to me while going back to LT1 after finishing sandwiches- Hey, has your class received any angel letters yet?
Me: -blinks- Oh, only one classmate heh heh.
JM: Oh... We'll try to write soon! -heads back to LT1-
Me: -shouts-but-not-quite-shouts-but-also-louder-than-average-talking- It's okay lah, we're all so busy!
Okay I can't remember but I think I didn't quite say that o.o


#456 'cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Wednesday 9 February 2011

Ah, so true.

We had the quiz during Math today. I basically just tikamed my way through it. Hopefully there are no careless mistakes :|

In PE I managed to climb the length of the higher part of the rock wall! :D -happiness- and it was my first try somemore heh heh :D But when I went again this time only with the pink rocks, I gave up halfway because I was trembling too much and I didn't even know why o.o It's like I was clinging to the rock wall and my limbs were trembling like earthquakes and I couldn't even move myself T.T So I just dropped onto the soft blue thingy below. Return of blisters sigh D:

During Bio Mrs Wong cooked bacon in class to demonstrate diffusion o.o It made us all very hungry and we weren't allowed to eat it because it wasn't clean -.- Yi Xin and Jing Ci were kinda disgusted. Just a little.

School ended! But we still had to stay back and I finished Math homework and then at 1.30 pm we crossed over to the Hwa Chong bus stop and took 66 to Science Centre. It was epic packed with Nanyang girls I bet all the passengers were quite pissed :P

After the module-talk thingy I didn't go for the tea reception but to McDonalds (not as crowded mah :D). I originally wanted ice cream but THEY DIDN'T HAVE ICE CREAM DDD: I mean how can they don't have freaking ice cream?!?!?! So in the end I ordered the first thing I thought of: samurai burger O:

yea so that was pretty much my day. And so the 6th week of school is coming to an end soon.

Hello, weekends! :D You've been sorely missed.

#455 心疼你的心疼
Tuesday 8 February 2011

Ah television. I love you too.

Today's one of those days I experienced a foul mood. Homework. Assignments. Quizzes. Meetings. More meetings. Stay backs. CCAs. More stay backs. Clashing of events. Even more clashing of events.

Have I mentioned before? Teachers have this irritatingly devastatingly ridiculously frustratingly hair-pulling-out-ly uncanny ability of scheduling every single possible thing in the same period of time.

I mean, really! The last time I checked, I'm not a robot.

Even tomorrow when school ends an hour early we still have to go for the SMP thing when we're school-based SMP. Can't I at least have a breather in the middle of the week?

I know you're getting tired of my ranting so I shall stop here.

This is only more proof of how I've aged over a mere two years. You can obviously see that in Sec 1 I had a brighter and more vibrant and cheery look. Even my smile's way wider. And then there's Sec 3. I look... old. Way older.

The scary thing is that it's only been 2 years. God how much I've aged.

On a lighter note, thank you Janice for the drawing!! :D Totally love it it's now on my file cover :D You super free eh. Lucky person -sticks tongue out-

Screw Math quiz. Like how will alpha and beta and discriminants help me when I'm an adult.

auditory hallucinations

19 year old who still thinks she's 15.
Drowning in fandoms.
Hates auto-flushes and drains.
Has a non-existent nose bridge.
Can't live without rulers and letter openers.
Likes the taste of blood.
Control freak.
Loves fantastical stuff.
Aresian and proud.

155 cm
158 cm
Toms Vans
Cotton On Threadless
Fandom Shit
Impossible Dreams

And a million other things.

the aid-kit

the hobbit holes

the warp core
40112 Belle Janice Kellynn Rachel Loh Shin Yee Wyin Ares Hui Ting Jolene Michelle Rachel Wu Shu Ting Xuan Li

the witch grimoire

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December 2008
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April 2010
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June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
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February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
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the shatterdome

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