I've noticed something weird.
It may only be the first week of school, but everyone's complaining of so much homework, so much stress yadda yadda. Well including me, but I'm well, at least
trying to be okay with it (kindly refer to my New Year Resolutions).
It seems as if this year is going to be a tougher year that the previous one, and needless to say, a lot more competition. And when I say a lot, I
mean a lot.
And according to one teacher (forgot who ._.), many people think that Secondary Two is the best year in Secondary School life.
You know what, maybe it's kinda like an inference question in Language Arts.
"What can you infer from the increased wrinkles on each and every Nanyang Girls' High Secondary 2 student's head?"
"Well, I can infer that there is a increasing amount of stress in school.
It is, rather obviously, the start of new year, which brings in new opportunities, new dreams, new goals, and of course, new stress. The Secondary 2 students have just been "promoted", in a way, from Secondary 1 to Secondary 2, and of course, their stress will also increase. This is due to an obvious increase in homework, and schoolwork is also getting tougher by a whole new level. Perhaps, the teachers are pushing the students too hard. I mean, it
is the first week of school. Or it may be the lack of comparison with their previous Secondary 1 year. Last year, in 2009, the Secondary 1s had one week of Orientation, which means that the Secondary 2s are unable to compare their first week of school with their Secondary 1 first week of school. Maybe that is why they have increased wrinkles due to increased stress. Another reason for increased stress might be the pressure that they are now not the youngest in the school, and for that, they have to act as role models of the new batch of Secondary 1s. This adds another burden onto their shoulders, since they are already suffering under the massive weight of schoolwork."
That, is the half-empty cup type of inference. The half-filled cup type of inference is way shorter, of course.
"Well, I can infer that there is an increasing amount of stress in school.
Contrary to common belief, a certain amount of stress is actually healthy for you. Without stress, I doubt the world would even be able to function at all! There would be no competition, which signifies no improvement, and the world would be in a permanent standstill, never moving forward, never prospering.
Stress definitely shows that the Secondary 2 students are more mature with the coming of this new year. They are growing up, which shows that they can take a slightly increased amount of stress, that they have survived one more year, and are all geared up to handle another one.
Stress shows, that they are ready, against all the odds."